The University of West Alabama

Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center


Active Range of Motion Removal of Helmet & Protective Pads Modalities
Passive Range of Motion Application of Cervical Collars and Spine Board   
Resistive Range of Motion











Ice Bag Preparation - Fill bag with appropriate amount of ice
- Remove air from ice bag
- Place patent in proper position
Ice bags
Ice (at temperature of 0 through -5 degrees C)
Ties (optional)
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- Cold hypersensitivity / allergy
- Allergy to cold
- Excessive treatment time
- Cover open wounds
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Pain
- Control inflammation
- Prevent increases in swelling
- Use post exercise
Ice Bag Application - Check for Contraindications
-Tie bag close to top
- Elevates injured area (if applicable)
- Secure ice bag with wrap
Ice bags
Ice (at temperature of 0 through -5 degrees C)
Ties (optional)
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- Cold hypersensitivity / allergy
- Allergy to cold
- Excessive treatment time
- Cover open wounds
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Pain
- Control inflammation
- Prevent increases in swelling
- Use post exercise
Ice Cup Preparation - Check supplies
- Fill paper cup with appropriate amount of water
- Place in freezer, allowing sufficient time for freezing to occur (check freezer temp.)
Water (freezing to temperature no less than -5 degrees C)
Paper cups (usually 10 oz or less)
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- Cold hypersensitivity / allergy
- Allergy to cold
- Excessive treatment time
- Cover open wounds
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Pain
- Control Inflammation
- Prevent increases in swelling
- Used in stretching technique
Ice Cup Application - Inquires regarding contraindications before beginning treatment
- Tell the patient expected treatment sensation & duration
- Locate and smooth ice cup
- Position athlete/patient correctly
- Peel away excess paper from cup
- Rub ice in  continuous  motion
- Continue to monitor patient during treatment
Water (freezing to temperature no less than -5 degrees C)
Paper cups (usually 10 oz or less)
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- Cold hypersensitivity / allergy 
- If welts or wheal appear during treatment, discontinue
- if skin changes color to absolute whit, discontinue treatment
- if patient complains of discomfort, discontinue treatment
- Avoid excessive stretch with this modality
- Allergy to cold
- Excessive treatment time
- Cover open wounds
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Pain
- Control inflammation
- Prevent increases in swelling
- Used in stretching technique
Ice Immersion Preparation - Fill ice bath with sufficient ice and water to cover extremity 
- Ensure the patient has a secure location to sit (bench, chair, etc)
Bench / Chair
Lack of normal temperature sensibility
Cold hypersensitivity /allergy
- Allergy to cold
- Excessive treatment time
- Cover open wounds / discontinue until healed
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Used when irregular shaped body part to get more surface coverage
- Pain
- Control inflammation
- Prevent increases in swelling
- Use post exercise
Ice Immersion Application - Inquires regarding contraindications before beginning treatment
- Have patient place extremity in ice bath
- Indicate to patient that the treatment will last approx. 10-15 mins.
Bench / Chair
Lack of normal temperature sensibility
Cold hypersensitivity / allergy
- Allergy to cold
- Excessive treatment time
- Cover open wounds / discontinue until healed
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Used when irregular shaped body part to get more surface coverage
- Pain
- Control inflammation
- Prevent increases in swelling
- Use post exercise
Warm Whirlpool Preparation - Fills tank with sufficient water
- Checks temperature
- Questions patient regarding conditions / contraindications
- Properly position patient (safety and to achieve optimal treatment)
- Expose body part to be treated
- Tank / tub / bucket
- Varying temperature (usually 35 - 43 degrees C)
- Turbine (if applicable)
- Secure place for patient to sit
- Caution when gravity dependant position is of concern
- Use on acute injury (increase temp increases soft-tissue swelling)
- Open wounds
- If entire body immersed, temperature should not exceed 38 degrees C as this interferes with thermoregulation
- Cover open wounds / discontinue until healed-Assess function before and after intervention
- Achieve therapeutic warming
- Can complete Active ROM / therapeutic exercise while in whirlpool
- Joint mobilization can also be performed while providing treatment
- Used when irregular shaped body part to get more surface coverage
Warm Whirlpool Application - Verify there are no contraindications
- Have patient place body part into tank
- Instruct patient on turbine safety and correctly position turbine flow (if applicable)
- Indicate treatment time and expected sensations
- Monitor patient during treatment
Tank / tub / bucket
Varying temperature (usually 35 - 43 degrees C)
turbine (if applicable)
- Caution when gravity dependant position is of concern
- Use on acute injury (increase temp increases soft-tissue swelling) 
- Open wounds
- If entire body immersed, temperature should not exceed 38 degrees C as this interferes with thermoregulation
- Cover open wounds / discontinue until healed
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Achieve therapeutic warming
- Can complete Active ROM / therapeutic exercise while in whirlpool
- Joint mobilization can also be performed while providing treatment
- Used when irregular shaped body part to get more surface coverage
Cold Whirlpool Preparation - Fills tank with sufficient water
- Checks temperature
-Questions patient regarding conditions / contraindications
-Properly position patient (safety and to achieve optimal treatment)
-Expose body part to be treated
Tank / tub / bucket
Varying temperature
Turbine (if applicable)
- Treatment is gravity dependent
- Cover open wounds
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- Cold hypersensitivity / allergy
- Assess function before and after intervention  
- Allows for more complete coverage with irregularly shaped body parts
- Acute injury to control pain and swelling
Cold Whirlpool Application - Verify there are no contraindications
- Have patient place body part into tank
- Instruct patient on turbine safety and correctly position turbine flow (if applicable)
- Indicate treatment time and expected sensations
- Monitor patient during treatment
Tank / tub / bucket
Varying temperature
Turbine (if applicable)
- Treatment is gravity dependent
- Cover open wounds
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- Cold hypersensitivity / allergy
- Assess function before and after intervention  
- Allows for more complete coverage with irregularly shaped body parts
- Acute injury to control pain and swelling
Hydrocollator Steam Pack Preparation - Check temperature of hydrocollator packs
- Wrap hot pack in towels / Turkish towel
- Verify that the patient has no contraindications
- Position patient appropriately
- Expose body part
- Turkish Towel / Towel
- Hot pack
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- If desire depth >1cm warming
- If patient unable to tolerate weight of hot pack
- If patent needs to be placed prone, place towels / pillows under abdomen
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Superficial Warming (1cm depth or less)
- Increase collagen remodeling ability
- Reduction in tissue viscosity (easier to move through ROM)
Hydrocollator Steam Pack Application - Place appropriate barrier between patient and hot pack
- Verify the patent has no open wounds or conditions
- Secure hot pack 
- Turkish Towel / Towel
- Hot pack
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- If desire depth >1cm warming
-If patient unable to tolerate weight of hot pack
- If patent needs to be placed prone, place towels / pillows under abdomen
- Assess function before and after intervention
- Superficial Warming (1cm depth or less)
- Increase collagen remodeling ability
- Reduction in tissue viscosity (easier to move through ROM)
Cryo-Cuff Preparation - Locate Cryo-cuff and required materials
- Select boot size appropriate for patient and extremity
- Check for contraindications / conditions
- If patient cannot tolerate compression
- Circumferential compression is not indicated
- Cover open wounds
- Lack of normal temperature sensibility
- Cold hypersensitivity / allergy
- Acute injury to reduce pain & swelling
Cryo-Cuff Preparation - Apply Cryo cuff to patient
- Flips up spout on top of jug to allow filling (needs to have jug above boot to fill and below boot to drain)
- Closes spout to keep water in boot
- Elevates body part if applicable
- Monitor patient 

You will be responsible for correctly making and applying the following modalities: an ice bag, ice cup, ice immersion, warm whirlpool, cold whirlpool and a hydrocollator steam pack.

Last Updated : 01/20/09

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