UWA Facial Injuries Crossword
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2. space between upper & lower lid margins 3. lids 4. tympanic membrane 6. hematoma auris 8. staphylococcal abscess 9. pink eye 10. prominent cheek bone 11. periorbital contusion 13. tricuspids 15. joins middle ear to nasal cavity 17. inflamed gingiva from wisdom teeth eruption 19. specialized membrane covering the sclera 21. divides the nasal cavity 22. 3rd molars 23. nosebleed
1. separates cranial cavity from roof of nose 5. only moveable bone of skull 7. blood in anterior chamber 12. external auditory canal 14. subconjunctival hemorrhage 16. articulates with the jaw 18. middle ear infection 20. exposed portion covered by enamel