AH 322 Evaluation of Injuries I
Shoulder Crossword 2

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1        2                          
                      9    10        
     11        12                     
14    15                              
      16                17            
18                      19            


1. Rare, but very dangerous dislocation
3. C6 reflex
5. Often confused with impingement
6. Most common muscle affected by 3rd degree strains
7. Impingement test
8. Adhesive capsulitis
9. Stability is sacrificed for
11. C7 reflex
13. Name for obvious deformity associated with long head biceps tendon rupture
14. Sign associated with 3rd degree AC sprain
16. C5 reflex
18. Impingement test
19. Blocker’s spur
20. Involved in SLAP lesions
21. Most common adolescent clavicle fracture
22. Rare result from inferior dislocation
23. 3rd degree AC sprain


2. May be predisposed to due to hooked acromion
4. Lesion resulting from anterior dislocation
10. Lesion resulting from anterior dislocation
12. Most often injured rotator cuff muscle
15. Most common glenohumeral dislocation
17. Test for subluxing biceps tendon
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