UWA Evaluation of Injuries I
Thoracic Abdominal 1
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1. at level of 6th cervical vertebrae 4. separates thorax from abdomen 5. inflamed pleura with painful respiration 6. sore throat 7. runs from larynx to the bronchi 8. form from branches of the secondary bronchi 9. level with 3rd cervical vertebrae just below mandible 12. small almond shaped lymphoid tissue masses 13. contains heart, great vessels, thymus gland, trachea & right & left bronchi, esophagus 14. consist of thorax & abdomen 15. covers lungs and adheres firmly to their surface 17. common cold 18. very small air sacs deep in lungs where oxygen & carbon dioxide are exchanged
2. detects possibility of peritoneal irritation 3. accomplished by relaxation of diaphragm 10. thyroid cartilage 11. most common injury to throat 16. tubelike structure from base of skull to esophagus