Athletic Training Student Form

Please complete this by July 11, 2023 to assist us in planning for our 2023 Athletic Training Student Camp, particularly if desiring UWA housing during the AT Camp.  If not desiring housing you may complete later than July 11, but please do so ASAP.

If you desire to go straight to the form, go to https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=RZl0pzhIrUS_m4MoRhoq0GWIIt_07wxGlvDXZ1zMXEBURVUzWTdWU0dXVFJFV0c4OTUzN1RIMU80Ti4u

Thank you very much for your time in providing this information.

The University of West Alabama Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center
Revised: 06/14/23Hit Counter