The University of West Alabama

Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center

Range of Motion for the Cervical Region


Examiner Position

Model Position

Examiner Instruction

Hand Placement

Muscles Involved

Possible Substitutions

Things to Note


sitting in front of model
standing erect or supine with head and neck in neutral position Active
have patient perform motion

examiner performs motion on patient

apply resistance in opposite direction of flexion sitting/

place one hand 
superior or superoposterior aspect of model's shoulder for stabilization and place the other hand on the posterior aspect of model's head
scalenus anterior

scalenus medius

scalenus posterior


Extension standing/
sitting in front of patient
standing erect or supine with head and neck in neutral position          
Cervical Right Lateral Flexion standing/
sitting in front of patient
Cervical Left Lateral Flexion standing/
sitting in front of patient
Cervical Right Rotation standing/
sitting in front of patient
Cervical Left Rotation standing/
sitting in front of patient