The University of West Alabama

Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center

Range of Motion for the Shoulder Joint


Examiner Position

Model Position

Examiner Instruction

Hand Placement

Muscles Involved

Possible Substitutions

Things to Note


Standing behind test shoulder of patient

Short Sitting; hand / forearm pronated, elbow slightly flexed

Passive ROM
have patient relax and the examiner causes the motion

 Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have model mimic the motion

Resistive ROM

Patient should resist examiner's overpressure in extension and/or examiner should resist patient as they move through flexion

Passive ROM
Moving hand above elbow, posterior side
Stabilizing hand at shoulder

 Active ROM
Patient does motion

Resistive ROM

Resistance hand over distal humerus above elbow
Stabilizing hand on patient shoulder

Deltoid (anterior and middle), supraspinatus

Others: Pectoralis major, coracobrachialis, bicpes brachi

Biceps brachii - avoid by keeping hand/forearm pronated
Upper Trapezius - keep shoulders from elevating
Pectoralis Major' watch for horizontal adduction
Trunk Extension- keep patient from leaning  back to assist flexion
Shoulder girdle elevation-



Stand @ test side
Resistance applied just above elbow

Prone with arms @ side
Shoulder in internal rotation, palm up

Passive ROM
have patient relax and the examiner causes the motion

 Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM

Patient should resist examiner's overpressure in flexion and/or examiner should resist patient as they move through extension

Passive ROM
Table stabilizes, moving hands at elbow and wrist

Active ROM
Patient causes motion

Resistive ROM
Stabilizing body against table
Resistance hand at distal humerus (above elbow)

Latissimus dorsi
Teres major
Posterior Deltoid

Trunk rotation- stabilize body / shoulder with table and watch for movement

If you wish to isolate Latissimus Dorsi:

PT position: prone with head facing test side
Examiner position: @ side grasping just above wrist
Have pt hike shoulder


Behind patient

Short sitting with arm at side, elbow in slight flexion

Passive ROM
have patient relax and the examiner causes the motion

 Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM

Patient should resist examiner's overpressure in adduction and/or examiner should resist patient as they move through abduction


Passive ROM  
One hand to stabilize shoulder
Other hand at elbow to move patient into abduction

Active ROM
Patient causes motion

Resistive ROM Resistance hand just above lateral  elbow

Stabilizing hand at shoulder / scapula

Middle deltoid

Biceps brachii

Biceps brachii - if used, the shoulder will externally rotate and the elbow will flex

Turning face away from test side eases tension on the trapezius and supraspinatus becomes easier to palpate

Deltoid and supraspinatus work together

Watch for shoulder elevation or lateral flexion to assist with abduction


Behind patient

Short sitting with arm at side, elbow in slight flexion

Passive ROM
have patient relax and the examiner causes the motion

 Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM

Patient should resist examiner's overpressure in abduction and/or examiner should resist patient as they move through adduction


Passive ROM 
One hand to stabilize shoulder
Other hand at elbow to move patient into adduction

Active ROM
Patient causes motion

Resistive ROM Resistance hand just above medial elbow

Stabilizing hand at shoulder / scapula





Horizontal Abduction

standing at test side

Alternate position:
Stand at test side; support forearm under distal surface and other hand over posterior surface just superior to axilla

Prone position with shoulder abducted 90 degrees and forearm of table with elbow flexed

Alternate position:
Short sitting

Passive ROM
have patient relax and the examiner causes the motion

 Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM

Patient should resist examiner's overpressure in horizontal adduction and/or examiner should resist patient as they move through horizontal abduction

Passive ROM 

Active ROM

Resistive ROM


Deltoid (posterior)

Others :
Teres Minor

long head of triceps - to avoid, maintain elbow flexion


Horizontal Adduction

Stand at side of shoulder to be tested

Supine, shoulder abducted 90 degrees, elbow flexed 90 degrees

Clavicular head: shoulder 60 degrees abduction, elbow flexed

Sternal head: 120 degrees shoulder abduction with elbow flexed

Passive ROM
have patient relax and the examiner causes the motion

 Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM

Patient should resist examiner's overpressure in horizontal abduction and/or examiner should resist patient as they move through horizontal adduction


Passive ROM 

Active ROM

Resistive ROM


Pectoralis Major



Internal Rotation

Standing at side to be tested

Prone with head turned toward test side, shoulder abducted 90 degrees with arm fully supported by table

Alternate Position: Short sitting, elbow flexed 90 degrees close to body for stabilization


Passive ROM
have patient relax and the examiner causes the motion

 Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM

Patient should resist examiner's overpressure in external rotation  and/or examiner should resist patient as they move through internal rotation


Passive ROM 
Hand at wrist and elbow; take patient through motion
Alternate position: Stabilizing hand at lateral elbow and motion hand at lateral wrist

Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM
Resistance hand over palmar surface of wrist, stabilizing hand between elbow and table
Alternate position:
Stabilizing hand over superior shoulder and other hand over medial wrist


Pectoralis Major
Latissimus Dorsi
Teres Major

Deltoid (anterior)



External Rotation

Stand at side to be tested

Prone with head turned toward test side, shoulder abducted 90 degrees with arm fully supported by table

Alternate Position: Short sitting, elbow flexed 90 degrees close to body for stabilization

Passive ROM
have patient relax and the examiner causes the motion

 Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM

Patient should resist examiner's overpressure in extension and/or examiner should resist patient as they move through external rotation

Passive ROM 
Hand at wrist and elbow; take patient through motion
Alternate position: Stabilizing hand at lateral elbow and motion hand at medial wrist

Active ROM
examiner should demonstrate motion and then have examiner complete motion

Resistive ROM
Resistance hand over dorsal surface of wrist, stabilizing hand between elbow and table
Alternate position:
Stabilizing hand over superior shoulder and other hand over lateral wrist

Teres Minor

deltoid (posterior fibers)