AH 322 Evaluation of Injuries I
Shoulder Crossword 1

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1         2                        
  5     6                          
8         9                        
 11        12                        
 14          15                      
                     18    19        


1. From 1st rib up to inferior surface of proximal clavicle
3. Scapula protractor
4. Antagonistic to horizontal abduction
6. Scapula depressor
7. Powerful horizontal adductor
8. Between infraspinatus and supraspinatus
9. Ligament from clavicle to clavicle
12. Glenohumeral adductor
13. Biceps brachii shorthead origin
14. Scapula elevator
16. Most important ligament in anterior & posterior glenohumeral stability
17. Least commonly weakened rotator cuff muscle
18. Most distal part of spine
20. Medial border
21. Glenohumeral joint type
22. Works agonistically with infraspinatus
23. Glenohumeral internal rotator


2. Least movement of all joints of the shoulder
5. Upper pectoralis major action
10. Intertubercular groove
11. Glenohumeral abductor
15. Abduction, adduction, flexion, extension
19. Scapula retractors
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