The University of West Alabama

Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center

AH 321

  • Bony Palpation Laboratory

  • Locate, palpate, and place an abbreviation (acronym) on your laboratory partner in the center of the area representing the following bony landmarks. Place an "X" in the box after completing this for each task.

    Sesamoid bones 1st metatarsal base Navicular tubercle
    Sinus tarsi 1st metatarsal head Talar dome
    5th metatarsal shaft Medial cuneiform Lateral malleolus
    5th metatarsal base Intermediate cuneiform Medial malleolus
    5th metatarsal head Lateral cuneiform Tibial plafond
    1st metatarsal shaft Cuboid Calcaneus
    3rd metatarsal head Navicular Peroneal tubercle
    Tibial spine Patella superior pole Lateral tibial plateau
    Fibula head Patella lateral facet Medial femoral condyle
    Patella Patella medial facet Lateral femoral condyle
    Patella inferior pole Medial tibial plateau Adductor tubercle
    Trochlea groove Tibial tubercle Gerdy’s tubercle
    Greater trochanter Posterior-superior iliac spine Sternal body
    Ischial tuberosity Posterior-inferior iliac spine Manubrium
    Anterior-superior iliac spine Lumbar spine spinous process (L1-L5) Ribs 1-12
    Anterior-inferior iliac spine Thoracic spine spinous process (T1-T-12) Cervical spine spinous process (C2-C7)
    Crest of ilium Xiphoid process Occipital protuberance
    Iliac tubercles Pubic tubercles  
    Scapula medial (vertebral) border Supraspinatus fossa Acromion process
    Scapula lateral (axillary) border Infraspinatus fossa Clavicle
    Scapula inferior angle Spine of scapula Clavicle sternal end
    Scapula superior angle Coracoid process Clavicle acromial end
    Humeral greater tubercle Humeral shaft Medial epicondyle
    Humeral lesser tubercle Intertubercular groove Lateral epicondyle
    Humeral head Deltoid tuberosity Cubital tunnel
    Humeral neck Olecranon fossa Capitulum
    Olecranon process Radial shaft in pronation Styloid process-radius
    Tuberosity of the radius Ulnar shaft in supination Styloid process-ulna
    Radial shaft in supination Ulnar shaft in pronation Tubercle of the radius (Lister’s Tubercle)
    Medial supracondylar ridge Lateral supracondylar ridge  
    Pisiform Triquetrum Hamate
    Scaphoid (navicular) in snuffbox Trapezoid Lunate
    Scaphoid tubercle Capitate Hamate (hook)
    Metacarpals 1-5 Metacarpal bases 1-5 Middle phalanxes 2-5
    Metacarpal heads 1-5 Proximal phalanxes 1-5 Distal phalanxes 1-5
    Lateral Orbital Margins-outer margin of orbit formed by the malar or zygomatic bone Lower border of Mandible-bony ridge of the jawbone Angle of Mandible-where mandible changes direction
    Supraorbital margin-frontal bone-ridge over each eye orbit Glabella-prominent ridge just above nasion Zygomatic arch-prominent cheek bone
    Nasion-depression just above the nose between the supraorbital margins Mastoid processes  


    To enhance palpation & assist in locating of bones, bony landmarks, and joint lines
    Position body part in a totally relaxed state where patient does not have to utilize muscle tension to support area
    Have patient contract, then relax muscles to assist in finding musculotendinous landmarks
    Apply joint stresses in various planes
    Examine bones, bony landmarks, & joint lines in various ranges of motion
    When Palpating, the Examiner Should Note
    • Differences in tissue tension and texture
  • Differences in tissue thickness
  • Abnormalities
  • Tenderness
  • Temperature variation
  • Pulses, tremors, and fasciculations
  • Pathological state of tissues
  • Dryness or excessive moisture
  • Abnormal sensation

    • Comes on soon after injury- blood
  • Comes on after 8 to 24 hours - synovial
  • Boggy, spongy feeling- synovial
  • Harder, tense feeling with warmth- blood
  • Tough, dry- callus
  • Leathery thickening- chronic
  • Soft, fluctuating- acute
  • Hard- bone
  • Thick, slow-moving- pitting edema
  • Grading Tenderness on Palpation
    Grade I: Patient complains of pain
    Grade II: Patient complains of pain and winces
    Grade III: Patient winces and withdraws the joint
    Grade IV: Patient will not allow palpation of the joint