eBlast Newsletter

January 3, 2006



In this Issue

•   Introducing the NATA Research & Education Foundation eBlast Newsletter
•   BŪ / SHŪ Challenge
•   NATA Research & Education Foundation Scholarships
•   NATA Research & Education Foundation Facts
•   Evidence-Based Medicine Summit, January 13, 2006
Space is still available
•   Visit the NATA Research & Education Foundation
Concussion Symptom Resolution

Introducing the NATA Research & Education Foundation eBlast Newsletter


In this bimonthly eBlast Newsletter, we will be providing you with information about your Foundation, how your contributions are working to advance the profession, and some opportunities about how you can become more involved in our mission.  Each eBlast will feature a Grant Information Summary of recent research funded by the Foundation that focuses on how the research findings can be utilized practically in the clinical setting.


NATA Research & Education Foundation Scholarships


The NATA Research and Education Foundation Scholarship Program offers up to 70- $2,000 awards in three categories (undergraduate, masters and doctoral).  The basic criteria includes students having a 3.2 GPA and intent to make athletic training their primary means of livelihood.  However, each category has slightly different requirements.  To download applications or for more information access and link to the scholarship program.  The final date of application for 2006-07 awards is Feb. 10, 2006.

If you have any qualified students, I urge you to remind them to apply. Should you have any specific questions or need additional information, don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours in Athletic Training,

Ken Kladnik M.Ed., ATC
Chairman-NATA Foundation Scholarship Committee


Evidence-Based Medicine Summit, January 13, 2006
Space is still available

Space is still available for the Evidence-Based Medicine Summit, “Infusing Evidence-Based Medicine into Athletic Training and Clinical Practice” in Atlanta on January 13, 2006.

Please go to for program information and registration.


Concussion Symptom Resolution



Self-report concussion symptom scales can provide reliable and valid baseline assessment of a sportrelated concussion. However, clinicians should be aware that fatigue state, physical, or orthopaedic ailments may potentially impact the usefulness of the baseline measurements.


No consistent format or administration instructions are provided for the appropriate use of a summative self-report symptom scale for concussions. Also, limited scientific information explaining the psychometric development and validity of such a scale is available. These issues have lead to confusion among sports medicine clinicians and could lead to making incorrect return to play decisions. These issues were addressed by examining responses to two common forms of summative self-report symptoms scales: the Head Injury Scale (HIS) and a symptom severity scale based upon the Post Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS) and Graded Symptom Checklist (GSC).


Evaluate factorial validity of baseline responses to 9-item Head Injury Scale (HIS) and a severity scale developed from the PCSS and GSC. Investigate influence of pre-existing conditions upon baseline self-report symptoms (SRS) responses to each scale.


A quasi-experimental design employing a pre-test and post-test was employed to compare responses to each scale between concussed and nonconcussed groups. Subjects were surveyed in an athletic training room environment.


Participants (female n = 260, male n = 805) were college athletes (age =19.81 ± 1.53) from 8 NCAA institutions. The experimental analyses comprised concussed (n = 17) and non-concussed (n=10) college athletes. Two day test-retest reliability was conducted with a sample of healthy college students (n =83, age = 19.92 ± 1.62).


Baseline measures for two SRS scales and a health questionnaire were obtained. Experimental analysis was performed on baseline and days 1, 2, 3, and 10 post-injury.


Responses to the SRS scales (HIS, severity) were reliable .85, and .84 (respectively), stability reliability r =.85, and r =.86 (respectively)] and factorialy valid according to accepted values found in the CFA literature. No sex effects for baseline responses were observed (P >.01). Previous history of concussion resulted in higher composite scores on both SRS scales (P <.01). Composite scores were also elevated for those reporting daily fatigue, physical illness, and / or orthopedic injury (P <.01). A significant  groups by days interaction [F(4, 20) =4.93, P=.006] was found with composite HIS scores. Responses to the severity scale also demonstrated significant  groups by day interaction [F (4, 20) =3.93, P=.015]. Statistical differences between groups were observed for both scales on days 1 and 2 post-concussion (P <.05) but no statistically significant differences were demonstrated for either scale on days 3 and 10.


This study confirmed previous findings by providing evidence for the reliability, factorial and construct validity of the HIS among collegiate athletes. The SRS scales can be sensitive to the effects of concussion and may provide clinicians with additional information from which to base return to play decisions. However, our data suggest that baseline responses to SRS scales can be influenced by a previous history of concussion and factors such as: daily fatigue, physical illness, and orthopedic injury. Thus, clinicians should consider these factors prior to obtaining baselines of self-report symptoms.

Publication and Presentation List:

  • Piland SG, Ferrara MS. “Baseline Symptomatology” NATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium, Baltimore, MD, 2004.

  • Piland SG, Ferrara MS, Gould TE, Broglio SP. Fatigue as an indicator of inflated baseline symptom reports. Journal of Athletic Training. 2005 (suppl);40:S15.

Scott G. Piland, PhD, ATC
Principal Investigator

Scott completed his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Exercise Science from the University of Georgia. He is now serving as an Assistant Professor and ATEP Clinical Coordinator with The University of Southern Mississippi School of Human Performance and Recreation.

Scott G. Piland, PhD, ATC
The University of Southern Mississippi
School of Human Performance and Recreation
118 College Drive #5142
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001


BŪ / SHŪ Challenge


Boston University, Sacred Heart University and the NATA Research and Education Foundation have jointly developed the BŪ / SHŪ Challenge.  The goals of this program are to provide an opportunity for students of athletic training to actively support the NATA Foundation and to raise money for research in athletic training.  Click on for more information.  Students of athletic training programs may still participate even though the initial sign-up date of October 14, 2005 has passed.  To qualify for the challenge all donations must be received at the NATA Foundation offices by April 14, 2006.


NATA Research & Education Foundation Facts

In 2005 the Foundation awarded
  • 68 - $2,000 scholarship awards totaling $136,000.00
  • 14 - research grant awards totaling $68,742.00

Visit the NATA Research & Education Foundation at


Grant Programs Information

Scholarship Programs

"Building our Foundation" Annual Fund

NATA Research & Education Foundation
2952 Stemmons
Dallas, TX 75247


Supporting and advancing the athletic training profession through research and education.


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