Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center


Examination Links:


Cranial Nerve Assessment: XII. Hypoglossal

Examination type Neurological
Patient & Body Segment Positioning Patient needs to be in a comfortable position, either sitting or standing
Examiner Position The examiner needs to be anterior to (in front of) the patient
Performing the Test

Ask the patient to stick out their tongue.  Next have them move the tongue in all planes of movement (up, down, left, right).  Finally, use a tongue depressor to apply resistance as the patient moves his tongue up, down, left, and right.

Tissues Being Tested Cranial nerve XII. Hypoglossal nerve
Positive Test Inability to stick tongue out straight, move in any direction, or weakness in movement in any direction
Interpretation Intracranial involvement
Common errors in performing exam Not applying resistance to movements; not checking first for deviation from center when sticking tongue out straight
Factors possibly resulting in misinterpretation Make sure that the athlete understands what you are doing when performing the test
Related tests Cranial nerve assessment
References Booher M. James. Athletic Injury Assessment. 4th edition. McGraw Higher Education 2000


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