Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center


Examination Links:


Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Test

Examination type Tendon pathology/integrity, ROM
Patient & Body Segment Positioning Patient is sitting with the involved hand palm up and supported on a table.
Examiner Position The examiner should standing in front of the patient on the injured side.  The examiner should use one hand to hold all fingers other than the one being tested in extension against the table surface.
Performing the Test All the patient's fingers should be held in extension, except for the one that is going to be tested. Have the patient flex the involved finger at the PIP joint.  The examiner may need to use the other hand to stabilize the involved finger just below the PIP joint.
Tissues Being Tested Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
Positive Test Inability to flex the finger at the PIP joint
Interpretation Rupture of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon or avulsion of the tendon from the phalanx
Common errors in performing exam Not limiting the ROM of the uninvolved fingers; patient positioning; examiner hand placement
Factors possibly resulting in misinterpretation Injury to the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle or the nerve innervating the muscle may also result in the inability to flex the finger at the PIP joint.
Related tests Flexor Digitorum Profundus Test, PIP and DIP Collateral Ligament Tests, Gamekeeper's Thumb Test

Booker, James M & Tibideau, Gary (2000) Athletic Injury Assessment,

Magee, David (2002) Orthopedic Physical Assessment Philadelphia Saunders.