eBlast Newsletter

February 23, 2011



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In this Issue

•   Important Information About the General Grant Program!

Grant Information Summary
Effects of Knee Joint Effusion and Cryotherapy on Lower Chain Function


NATA Foundation Names Research Award Winners

   Corporate Champion Program

Athletic Training Student Challenge


Recent Foundation Board Actions


Funding for General Grant Approved

   Contribute Now to "Building Our Foundation" Annual Fund
•   The Foundation Reports on Your Investment
  NATA Research & Education Foundation Deadlines
•   Exchange Lecture Series

Important Information About the General Grant Program!



As of December 14, 2010 the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Foundation has significantly changed the maximum allowable funding limit for the General Grants Program.  Total direct costs for any grant submitted to the General Grant Program are now capped at $50,000 per award.  The NATA Foundation will continue to allow indirect costs up to 15% of the total direct costs.

In addition, the NATA Foundation has revised the eligibility criteria for individuals submitting grants.  Either the Principal Investigator (PI) OR Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) must be a Certified Athletic Trainer in good standing with the Board of Certification AND a current member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.

These changes are effectively immediately and apply to all grants that will be reviewed from this point forward.  Thus, if you have previously submitted a grant to the NATA Foundation that was not funded, but a revision was acceptable, the costs for the resubmitted grant must fall within the new funding limits and the PI or Co-PI must meet the eligibility criteria stated above.  Similarly, if you have previously submitted a pre-proposal that was accepted for a full submission, the new funding limits and eligibility criteria will apply.  Submitted grants that do not adhere to the new funding limit and eligibility criteria will not be considered.


NATA Foundation Names Research Award Winners



The NATA Foundation Board in its December 14, 2010 conference call approved the following recipients for the 2011 NATA Foundation Research Awards.

Jay Hertel, PhD, ATC - Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research
The NATA Foundation’s Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research is a lifetime achievement award.  It recognizes an established researcher who has had held a doctoral degree for a minimum of ten (10) years.  Medal winners must have sustained a prolific body of work that has contributed to research in the field of athletic training and health care of the physically active.  Winners receive a medal and a cash award.

Steve Broglio, PhD, ATC - New Investigator Award
The New Investigator Award recognizes a researcher who has earned his/her first doctoral degree within the past 5 years and who has made, and is likely to continue to make, significant contributions to the body of knowledge in athletic training and health care of the physically active.

Jason Mihalik, PhD, ATC -Doctoral Dissertation Award
The Doctoral Dissertation Award recognizes outstanding doctoral student research, while supporting and encouraging research through the NATA Foundation.  To be considered for this award, the nominee must have received a doctoral degree within the past three years.  He/she must be the principal author of a published (or accepted for publication) manuscript that originates from his/her dissertation research and a current NATA member and certified athletic trainer in good standing.


Athletic Training Student Challenge



Actively Supporting The NATA Research & Education Foundation!
Are you interested in finding that perfect activity for your athletic training student organization while being a part of a grassroots fundraising effort?  Participate in the 2011 Athletic Training Student Challenge and support the NATA Foundation by raising money for research and educational pursuits.  Last year college and university student organizations participated to raise MORE THAN $4,500 for the Foundation.

Goal of the Program
The goal of this program is to provide an opportunity for students of athletic training to actively support the NATA Foundation and to raise money for research in athletic training.

How Do the Students Benefit?
The winning TEAM will have ITS picture published in AN UPCOMING ISSUE OF the NATA News.  The school will also receive recognition at the NATA Annual Meeting during the Pinky Newell Scholarship Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. on June 22, 2011.  The winner will also receive a commemorative plaque AND four (4) complimentary conference registrations to any state, district or national athletic training meetings for student members of the NATA, not to exceed $500 total for the group.  First Runner Up will receive a commemorative plaque.

Getting Started!
Please review, complete and submit the Intent To Participate Form.  The sooner you submit, the sooner you may begin raising funds!  A Donation Submission Form must be subsequently completed and mailed periodically along with groups of contributions/checks secured by your group.  Additional information and appropriate forms are available via the NATA Foundation website at

Thanks again for your consideration!  Please contact Heather Franklin with any questions.
Heather Franklin
Foundation Manager
NATA Research & Education Foundation
2952 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, Texas  75247
Phone: 972-532-8837


Funding for General Grant Approved


The NATA Foundation Board in its February 22, 2011 conference call approved funding for the following general grant.

General Grant Program

  • Steven Broglio, PhD, ATC
    University of Illinois
    “Concussions across the lifespan: Persistent effects on brain, neurocognitive functioning, and motor control
    $128,912 (two years)


The Foundation Reports on Your Investment - 2010



The NATA Foundation Board of Directors would like to thank each individual and corporate donor for contributions made to the organization in 2010. Due to their generosity, the NATA Foundation was able to support the many programs and projects detailed in this report, which benefit each and every athletic trainer by advancing the mission of the profession through research and education.  (Click HERE for a downloadable copy of the 2010 NATA Foundation Investor Report).

Research Programs

  • Nine Master’s and Doctoral Gants were awarded in 2010, totaling $11,999
  • From the Foundation’s inception in 1991 to December 31, 2010, the organization has awarded 207 grants totaling more than $2.8 million
  • Approximately 266 Free Communications Oral and Poster presentations were given at the NATA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia
  • 22 Foundation grant recipients presented their findings to the NATA membership in Philadelphia
  • Abstracts of original research were published in the Supplement to the Journal of Athletic Training
  • Published the Supplement to the Journal of Athletic Training, which was made available to NATA members
  • Grant Information Summaries, published from funded research projects, were made available to NATA members through the NATA Foundation website and at national and district meetings
  • The Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research was presented to Thomas Weidner, PhD, ATC, FNATA in honor of Joseph S. Torg, MD
  • The Doctoral Dissertation Award was presented to Erik Wikstrom, PhD, ATC in honor of David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC, FNATA
  • Outcomes Research Grant continued funding

Education Programs

  • 57 graduate and undergraduate scholarships, totaling $131,100, were awarded in 2010
  • Presentation of annual Lecture Exchange Program with the AMSSM, AOSSM and ACSM continued in 2010

Capital Campaign

  • The goal of the Capital Campaign was to generate a significant portion of the annual resources needed to continue advancing the profession from interest generated by the Foundation’s endowments
  • Although the Capital Campaign is officially complete, volunteers and staff continue to work diligently to raise funds for the 39 new endowments established as part of the campaign

For further information, please contact:
NATA Foundation
2952 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, Texas 75247
Rachael Oats, CAE, Director
972-532-8816 (direct)


Exchange Lecture Series



A cooperative program of the NATA Foundation and the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine and American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.

The NATA Foundation Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research Recipient presents at ACSM and AOSSM and the New Investigator Award Recipient presents at AMSSM.

These NATA Foundation award winners, and representatives from organizations participating in the Exchange Lecture Series, present at the Distinguished Scholars Presentations during the NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia.


Effects of Knee Joint Effusion and Cryotherapy on Lower Chain Function



This study demonstrated that cooling the knee joint after a simulated injury restores normal knee kinetics through re-establishing thigh and leg muscle activation. Clinicians should aggressively use joint cryotherapy following joint injury to restore normal lower extremity muscle function.  Click HERE to review the full Grant Information Summary.

Principal Investigator
J. Ty Hopkins, PhD, ATC

This Grant Information Summary may be downloaded in a 2-page pdf file from


Corporate Champion Program



In 2009 the NATA Foundation Board of Directors approved the proposal to establish a corporate contribution program – called the Corporate Champion Program.

The key to any successful corporate fundraising program is establishing strong relationships. Although the names and faces of the corporate and organizational reps will change over the years, it is critical that once a relationship is established, it is nurtured and it grows over the years.

Relationship building is the basis of the Foundation’s Corporate Champion Program. The goal of this program is to work together, as partners, to ensure the success of the Foundation, the corporation and the profession we serve. As the name implies, we want to show the relationship between the organizations and promote the company as an advocate for the Foundation and the profession.

There are a variety of benefits associated with the Corporate Champion Program, and there are different options for contributions. For more information, contact Rachael Oats (by email or phone: 972.532.8816)

2010 Corporate Champion: 
Titleist Performance Institute


Recent Foundation Board Actions



Your NATA Research Foundation Board held its December conference call on 12/14/10.  Below are some highlights of the actions taken on this call:

  1. Approved the minutes for the 8/27/10 conference call as presented.
  2. Approved the recipients of the 2010 Research Awards as recommended by the Research Committee.
  3. Approved funding for three Masters Grants as recommended by the Research Committee.
  4. Approved a limited adjustment of research funding to $150,000 per year.
  5. Approved an electronic only version of the Supplement to the Journal of Athletic Training.
  6. Approved tabling discussion on General Grant recommendations until the February Conference Call.
  7. Approved suspending the Fun Run for one year.

The NATA Research Foundation Board also had a conference call on 02/22/11 and listed below are some highlights of the actions taken on this call:

  1. Approved the minutes for the 12/14/10 conference call as presented.
  2. Approved funding for one General Grant as recommended by the Research Committee in the total amount of $128,912 for two years.  (Note that this grant was originally proposed and subsequently tabled before new limits were approved in December 2010).

The next NATA Foundation conference call will be scheduled for April in the near future.


Contribute Now to "Building Our Foundation" Annual Fund



The Foundation's Building Our Foundation Annual Fund Drive is off to a great start for 2011.  Help your district in the annual NATA Foundation District Competition recognition.  The winner will be determined by the district that reaches the overall highest percentage of its goal from all sources.  For more details, see

Help Build Our Foundation by selecting one or more of the following ways to demonstrate your commitment.


NATA Research & Education Foundation Deadlines



Mark your calendar with these important dates and deadlines for 2011.


NATA Research & Education Foundation
2952 Stemmons
Dallas, TX  75247

Johnson & Johnson


Supporting and advancing the athletic training profession through research and education.