eBlast Newsletter

May 19, 2011



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In this Issue


Join In!  Support the NATA Foundation 20/20 Challenge


Grant Information Summary
An Investigation of the Female Athlete Triad Among High School Athletes


NATA Foundation Awards 61 Scholarships


Shoe Box Society for Planned Giving


Funding for 5 Master's Grants & 1 General Grant Approved


Volunteer Service Award goes to R.T. Floyd


Supplement to the Journal of Athletic Training goes Electronic

   Recent Foundation Board Actions
•   Mike Wilkinson to receive Lifetime Contribution Award
  NATA Research & Education Foundation Deadlines

Foundation Hosts Silent Auction


Join In!  Support the NATA Foundation 20/20 Challenge



Donate $20 in support of our 20th Anniversary!

NATA Foundation 20/20 Challenge

The NATA Research & Education Foundation debuted at the 1991 convention in New Orleans, and this year the NATA Foundation will celebrate its 20th anniversary.  In honor of this significant milestone, the NATA Foundation will be holding a contest to see which district will have the highest percentage of members donate $20 or more to recognize this occasion.  Please join the 20/20 Challenge to help your district lead the way!

The NATA Foundation works to advance the profession of athletic training through research and education.  Money donated to the Foundation support scholarships for athletic training students and grants for health care research related to athletic training.

The Foundation will have a booth at the Annual Meeting at the convention, outside the entrance to the Trade Show, where members can join the 20/20 Challenge.  For those not planning to attend the convention, visit for more information about how to donate.  The first 500 members to join the campaign by donating $20 or more will be rewarded with a complimentary flash drive which can be picked up at the NATA Foundation convention booth.

20/20 Vision for Others

To assist others in improving vision, the NATA Foundation will conduct a community service project with the Lions Club of New Orleans.  NATA members can donate gently used eyeglasses at the Foundation booth during the convention, and the Lions Club will give them to those in the greater New Orleans area who cannot afford eyeglasses.

Please plan to participate in these two rewarding events.

Visit to learn more about the NATA Research & Education Foundation.

NATA Foundation to Award 61 Scholarships



The NATA Foundation will award 61 scholarships at the NATA Annual Meeting in New Orleans for the 2010-2011 academic year.  From these  scholarships, 44 are entry level, 10 are masters and seven are doctoral recipients.

The recipients will be recognized at the William E. "Pinky" Newell
Scholarship & Student Leadership Breakfast at 8 A.M.  Wednesday, June 22 at the New Orleans Marriott, Acadia & Bissonet.  Non-certified student attendees receive complimentary admission to the event.  Preregistration is required and is available on the Annual Meeting registration form.  This event will also include a keynote address, as well as recognition of the Deloss Brubaker Awards for Student Writing, the Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award and the Athletic Training Student Challenge Award.

Funding for 5 Master's Grants & 1 General Grant Approved


On the April 20, 2011 Board of Directors conference call, the Foundation Board approved a total of $4,914.44 funding for five Master's Research Grants.  Also, the Board reconsidered and subsequently approved a general grant proposal for $52,992.00 that was originally submitted in 2010 before the funding limits were enacted. 

Master's Research Grant Program

  • Annie L. Bryan
    Georgia Southern University
    “How Long Do Postural Impairments Last Following a Lateral Ankle Sprain?


  • Conrad M. Gabler, BS, ATC, LAT
    Ohio University
    “The Effectiveness of Neuromuscular Training on Modifiable Anterior Cruciate
    Ligament Injury Risk Factors”


  • Matthew Harkey, ATC, LAT
    University of Toledo
    “Restoring Neuromuscular Function with Joint Mobilizations”


  • Hollis Theard, ATC, LAT
    Georgia Southern University
    "What is the Duration of BESS Impairment after Fatigue in High School Athletes?


  • Aisha Visram, ATC
    University of Massachusetts at Amherst
    “Impact of Mental Toughness Training on Psychological and Physical Predictors of Illness and Injury”


General Grant Program

  • Christopher Mendias, PhD, ATC
    University of Michigan
    “Improving Skeletal Muscle Regeneration Following Eccentric Injury by Inhibition of the Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine TGF-beta”



Supplement to the Journal of Athletic Training goes Electronic



The annual Supplement to the Journal of Athletic Training will be offered exclusively in electronic format this year.  The document contains abstracts presented at the 2011 NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia as part of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research & Education Foundation’s Free Communications Program.  Look for the Supplement on the NATA website in early June and don’t forget to save or print a copy for the sessions you’d like to attend in New Orleans.


Mike Wilkinson to receive Lifetime Contribution Award



Mike Wilkinson, MS, ATCMike Wilkinson, MS, ATC has been selected by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research & Education Foundation’s (NATA Foundation) as the 2011 Lifetime Contribution Award Recipient.  Mr. Wilkinson, Director of Outreach Services for the Mississippi Sports Medicine in Jackson, MS has a long history of service to the athletic training profession in numerous capacities.  A member of the Mississippi Athletic Trainers’ Association (MATA) Hall of Fame, he was recognized by the National Federation of High Schools as the National Contributor of the Year in 2006.

The Lifetime Contribution Award is given in recognition of exemplary contributions by an individual or a group who has provided significant advancement or financial growth to the NATA Foundation over a sustained, extended period of time.  Mr. Wilkinson will receive this award at the NATA Foundation 2011 Donor Reception Tuesday, June 21 at the New Orleans Marriott.  This event is being held in conjunction with the NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia.

NATA Foundation President Mark Hoffman, PhD, ATC said
"Mike was a very active board member, stepped up for numerous assignments, and worked very hard to make the silent auction what is today.  He served two full terms on the NATA Foundation Board of Directors and was instrumental in generating great support for the Foundation.  As an example his efforts assisted District IX in winning the Annual Fund Contest three times during his six years on the Foundation Board."


Foundation Hosts Silent Auction



The NATA Foundation Silent Auction will be conducted 8:00 to 4:00 P.M. on Monday, & Tuesday, June 20-21 and 8:00 to noon on Wednesday, June 22 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in Room 224.  Make plans to stop by and bid on some great items and support the NATA Foundation.Silent Auction

For further information, please contact:
Heather Franklin
NATA Foundation
2952 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, Texas  75247
972-532-8837 (direct)


An Investigation of the Female Athlete Triad Among High School Athletes



This prevalence of individual components of the Female Athlete Triad was alarmingly high among this sample of high school athletes (N=589).  We recommend that coaches, athletic trainers, parents, and athletes work together to recognize its symptoms and prevent its development.  Click HERE to review the full Grant Information Summary.

Principal Investigator
Jeanne F. Nichols. PhD, FACSM

This Grant Information Summary may be downloaded in a 2-page pdf file from


Shoe Box Society for Planned Giving



Consider joining the Shoe Box Society for Planned Giving.  Planned gifts take into account a donor’s financial, family, business and estate considerations.  These gifts can take many forms.  Planned giving techniques can significantly reduce estate, income and gift taxes, allowing donors to benefit the NATA Foundation while realizing impressive tax advantages for themselves. Shoe Box Society for Planned Giving

Charter Members of the Shoe Box Society

  • Marje Albohm, MS, ATC

  • Steve Bair, MS, ATC

  • Ronnie P. Barnes, MS, ATC

  • R.T Floyd, EdD, ATC, CSCS

  • Mark Hoffman, PhD, ATC and Laura Hoffman, MSPT

  • David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC

  • Mark Pfeil and Beth Pfeil

  • Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC, FNATA

  • Michael R. Sitler, EdD, ATC and Kathy Sitler, BS

  • Michael Wilkinson, MS, ATC


Volunteer Service Award goes to R.T. Floyd



R.T. Floyd, EdD, ATCR.T. Floyd, EdD, ATC, CSCS has been selected by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research & Education Foundation’s (NATA Foundation) as the 2011 Volunteer Service Award Recipient.

Dr. Floyd, Director of Athletic Training & Sports Medicine at the University of West Alabama in Livingston, AL has a long history of service to the athletic training profession.  In addition to his work as an NATA Foundation Board member, he has served seven years on the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Board of Directors, and held many other committee assignments with in the profession at the national, district and state level.

The Volunteer Service Award is given to a current NATA Foundation board or committee member who has provided significant advancement or financial growth to the organization.    Dr. Floyd will receive this award at the NATA Foundation 2011 Donor Reception Tuesday, June 21 at the New Orleans Marriott.  This event is being held in conjunction with the NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposia.

"R.T. was selected for the Volunteer Service Award for the countless hours he has devoted to the Foundation" said NATA Foundation President Mark Hoffman.  "His work over the years on the e-blasts and Capital Campaign are two of the most notable areas of contribution.  Clearly the Foundation has benefitted greatly from his work."


Recent Foundation Board Actions



Your NATA Research Foundation Board held its April conference call on 4/20/11.  Below are some highlights of the actions taken on this call:

  1. Approved the minutes for the 2/21/11 conference call as presented.
  2. Approved funding for five Masters Grants as recommended by the Research Committee.
  3. Approved the NATA Foundation 2011 Budget as presented
  4. Approved funding for the General Grant recommended by the Research Committee from the August 15, 2010 General Grant Cycle.
  5. Approved Vision Quest as presented.

The next NATA Foundation Board of Directors Meeting will be at 8:00 A.M. Saturday, June 18 at the New Orleans Marriott.


NATA Research & Education Foundation Deadlines



Mark your calendar with these important dates and deadlines for 2011.


NATA Research & Education Foundation
2952 Stemmons
Dallas, TX  75247

Johnson & Johnson


Supporting and advancing the athletic training profession through research and education.