eBlast Newsletter

December 13, 2011



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In this Issue


Join In!  Support the NATA Foundation 20/20 Challenge


District I Wins 2010 Annual Fund Contest


Scholarship Applications Being Accepted


Shoe Box Society for Planned Giving


Athletic Training Student Challenge


Free Communications Program Winners


A Gift that Gives Back to the Profession

   NATA Foundation Welcomes Holly McCauley
•   New Grant Submission Deadlines!
  Recent Foundation Board Actions
   Grant Information Summary
Development of Standards and Criteria for the Selection, Training, and Evaluation of Athletic Training Approved Clinical Instructor
  NATA Research & Education Foundation Deadlines

Join In!  Support the NATA Foundation 20/20 Challenge



Donate $20 in support of our 20th Anniversary!

NATA Foundation 20/20 Challenge

Donating to the NATA Foundation is easy. You can donate online at:

Thank you in advance for your support of the NATA Foundation.

Scholarship Applications Being Accepted


The NATA Foundation Scholarship Program is one of the organization’s most highly regarded programs.  Through this program, which is managed by the Scholarship Committee, the NATA Foundation awards undergraduate, master’s and doctoral scholarships.  The number of scholarships varies annually (from 50 to 75), with the amount of the award currently $2,300 per scholarship.  Scholarship funding is secured through a variety of sources, including the organization’s endowment program, as well as through corporate and individual support.  For more information go to  Don’t wait until the last minute – We must have your initial submission before January 23, 2012.

Athletic Training Student Challenge



Are you interested in finding that perfect activity for your athletic training student organization while being a part of a grassroots fundraising effort?  Participate in the 2012 Athletic Training Student Challenge and support the NATA Foundation by raising money for research and educational pursuits.  Last year college and university student organizations raised MORE THAN $7,400 for the Foundation.  For more information and to sign up, go to


A Gift that Gives Back to the Profession


Looking for the perfect gift for your hard-to-shop-for athletic trainer friend or the physician who has everything?  As the holiday season approaches, the NATARemember the Foundation with your Gift! Research & Education Foundation would like you to consider honoring your family and friends with a gift to the NATA Foundation in their name.  Your donation – no matter how large or small – will go toward helping the NATA Foundation continue its mission of advancing the profession of athletic training through research and education.  The recipient will be notified of your gift through a special written acknowledgement the Foundation will send on your behalf.  The actual amount of the gift will not be specified, unless requested.  For more information on this unique giving opportunity, please contact Holly McCauley at

New Grant Submission Deadlines!


Beginning this year, the NATA Foundation will move to a single grant cycle for all General, Outcomes and Student Grant pre-proposal submissions.  Please make note of the new deadline of February 15, 2012.  There will also be minor changes to the grant format guidelines, including shortened page limits.  Additional information is available online at

Development of Standards and Criteria for the Selection, Training, and Evaluation of Athletic Training Approved Clinical Instructors



The standards/criteria developed in this research project for the selection, training, and evaluation of ACIs were: The accepted standards include the following: legal and ethical behavior, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, instructional skills, supervisory and administrative skills, evaluation of performance, and clinical skills and knowledge. They could be used to foster and augment quality clinical education and could be helpful in forming and shaping an impression not only about a particular ACI, but also about the requirements of clinical education in general. Program Directors and CIEs should be guided by these standards to select, trained, and evaluate their ACIs in order to help ensure that optimal clinical education is taking place. As a result, the clinical component of athletic training education can be more carefully designed to prepare students to be sensitive and proficient practitioners for physically active individuals.

Click HERE to review the full Grant Information Summary.

Principal Investigator
Thomas G. Weidner, PhD, ATC, LAT

This Grant Information Summary may be downloaded in a 2-page pdf file from


District I Wins 2010 Annual Fund Contest



Congratulations to the District I membership under the leadership of District I Chair Sue Guyer for winning the Annual Fund Contest for 2010.  The district that reaches the highest percentage of its goal based upon its number of members wins the competition.  In 2010 District I  reached 810% of its $8,500 goal by raising $68,879 through district, state, member, and endowment contributions.  In addition to District I, all other NATA Districts reached over 100% of their goals for 2010.  Thanks to all for this tremendous support of the Foundation.

2010 Annual Fund Contest Results

District 2010 Goal Amount raised % of Goal District Chair


$ 8,500



Sue Guyer





Steve Bair / Robb Rehberg





Bob Casmus





Sally Nogle





Michelle Boyd


$ 8,700



Ken Locker


$ 6,700



Tamara V. McLeod





Robert Kersey





Mike Wilkinson / Ray Castle


$ 5,100



Tara Lepp / Valerie Moody


$ 1,600









Shoe Box Society for Planned Giving



Consider joining the Shoe Box Society for Planned Giving.  Planned gifts take into account a donor’s financial, family, business and estate considerations.  These gifts can take many forms.  Planned giving techniques can significantly reduce estate, income and gift taxes, allowing donors to benefit the NATA Foundation while realizing impressive tax advantages for themselves.

Shoe Box Society for Planned Giving

Charter Members of the Shoe Box Society

  • Marje Albohm, MS, ATC

  • Steve Bair, MS, ATC

  • Ronnie P. Barnes, MS, ATC

  • R.T Floyd, EdD, ATC, CSCS

  • Mark Hoffman, PhD, ATC and Laura Hoffman, MSPT

  • David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC

  • Mark Pfeil and Beth Pfeil

  • Charlie Redmond, ATC, PT, LAT

  • Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC, FNATA

  • Michael R. Sitler, EdD, ATC and Kathy Sitler, BS

  • Walter “Kip” Smith, MEd, ATC, LAT

  • Michael Wilkinson, MS, ATC


Free Communications Program Winners



Congratulations to the winners in each category of the Foundation Free Communications Program for 2011.  Free Communications Award Recipients are as follows:

  • Doctoral Oral Winner
    Hayley M. Ericksen, MS, ATC, University of Toledo, "Cortical Excitability of the Quadriceps is Decreased in Individuals with Unilateral Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructions"

  • Doctoral Poster Winner
    Rebecca L. Scanlon-Begalle, MS, ATC, CSCS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Sagittal Plane Ankle Motion Affects Frontal and Transverse Plane Motion at the Knee and Hip during a Jump-Landing"

  • Master's Oral Winner
    Candace Leach, ATC, A. T. Still University, "Baseline Self-Report Symptoms and Health-Related Quality of Life in High School Athletes Differ with Prior Concussion History and Sex"

  • Master's Poster Winner
    Masafumi Terada, ATC, University of Toledo, "An Examination of Proximal Tibia Anterior Shear Force and Neuromuscular and Biomechanical Characteristics in the Lower Extremity during a Vertical Stop-Jump in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability"  (Research Funded by 2009 Master's Research Grant Program)

  • Undergraduate Poster Winner
    Lyndsey Ingram, University of Central Arkansas, "Reliability and Validity of Measuring Scapular Upward Rotation using an Electrical Inclinometer"


NATA Foundation Welcomes Holly McCauley



Holly McCauley - Development CoordinatorWelcome to Holly McCauley who has recently joined the NATA Foundation as the Development Coordinator.  Holly moved to the Foundation from her former role as NATA Volunteer Engagement Coordinator and was previously employed by MADD in a development role.  Holly manages the NATA Foundation’s fundraising initiatives and donor recognition.  She works with board members and volunteer groups on the endowment program, the Athletic Training Student Challenge and annual and planned giving.  Holly also coordinates and manages special events at the annual meeting.


Recent Foundation Board Actions



Your NATA Research Foundation Board held its annual Board Meeting in New Orleans on 6/18/11.  Below are some highlights of the actions taken at this meeting:

  1. Approved the minutes for the 4/20/11 conference call as presented.
  2. Approved funding for five Masters Grants as recommended by the Research Committee.
  3. Approved the NATA Foundation Financial Policies as presented with the amended language.
  4. Approved the Research Committee's recommended changes to grant program and meeting cycle.
  5. Approved the New Investigator Grant Program as submitted.
  6. Approved the Research Committee Chair’s recommendation to reimburse Reed Ferber at the requested level of $17,853.38 to fund the third year of his study.
  7. Approved directing NATA Foundation staff to explore how related organizations (AOA, ACSM, OREF) address issues with fluctuating currency exchange rates after research funds have been distributed. The Board will utilize this information to develop a policy on the issue.
  8. Approved the appointments of new Research Committee members Dr. Tim McGuine and Dr. Steve Broglio.
  9. Approved directing the NATA Foundation staff to develop a clear plan for ongoing stewardship of Capital Campaign Donors, including responsibilities of staff and district chairs, as well as sample timelines.
  10. Approved all 2011 NATA Foundation scholarship recipients, as recommended by the Scholarship Committee.

The Foundation Board also held conference calls on 8/29/11 and 10/24/11.  The highlights of actions taken on these calls are below:

  1. Approved the minutes for the 6/18/11 Board Meeting as presented.
  2. Approved the Co-Branding Educational Proposal  to partner with the NATA on educational endeavors to help build loyalty and name recognition among members.
  3. Approved the minutes for the 8/29/11 conference call as presented.

NATA Research & Education Foundation Deadlines



Mark your calendar with these important dates and deadlines for 2011-2012.


NATA Research & Education Foundation
2952 Stemmons
Dallas, TX  75247

Johnson & Johnson


Supporting and advancing the athletic training profession through research and education.