eBlast Newsletter

December 19, 2007

Happy Holidays from the NATA Foundation!  


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In this Issue


Foundation Scholarships Available

  "Building our Foundation" Annual Fund
•   Remember the Foundation during the Holidays with your NATA dues renewals
•   Recent Foundation Board Actions
   BU/SHU Challenge sign up deadline approaches
   A Look at the NATA Foundation Goals
Motor Evoked Potential Differences between Concussed and Non-concussed Athletes as Determined by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
   NATA Research & Education Foundation Deadlines

Foundation Scholarships Available



2007 NATA Foundation Scholarship RecipientsNATA Foundation Scholarship applications for 2008 are available on the  website.  Further information and applications for the  three categories of Entry Level, Masters and Doctoral may be found at or click on the links below:

Applications must be mailed with a postmark not later than February 10, 2008 to be considered.


Remember the Foundation during the Holidays with your NATA dues renewals



During this time of giving consider making a meaningful gift to the NATA Foundation in honor of your friends and family, or in memory of a loved one or a respected associate.  You can do so through your NATA dues renewal and by contacting the Foundation at (800) 879-6282, ext. 147 or by utilizing the YES Donation Form 2007.

The Foundation will send a special acknowledgment of your gift.

Take some of the stress out of the holiday shopping and get an end-of-the-year tax deduction!  Call (800) 879-6282, ext. 147.


BU/SHU Challenge sign up deadline approaches



The deadline for Athletic Training Student organizations to sign up for the 2007-2008 BŪ / SHŪ Challenge is December 31, 2007.  This marks the third year of the Foundation fund raising challenge which was jointly developed by Boston University, Sacred Heart University and the NATA Research and Education Foundation.  Click HERE for more information.


Motor Evoked Potential Differences between Concussed and Non-concussed Athletes as Determined by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation



Acutely concussed collegiate athletes demonstrate motor command transmission differences (via motor-evoked potentials) compared to non-concussed athletes over 1 to 10 days post-head injury.
Demonstration of the application of transcranial magnetic stimulation to elicit a motor evoked potential

lick HERE to review the full Grant Information Summary.

Scott C. Livingston, PhD, PT, ATC, SCS
Principal Investigator

This Grant Information Summary may be downloaded in a 2-page pdf file from .


"Building our Foundation" Annual Fund



The Foundation's 2007 Building Your Foundation Annual Fund Drive is nearly at an end.  Contributions by December 31, 2007 help your district in the annual NATA Foundation District Competition recognition.

Below is a recent status report on the District Competition.  The winner will be determined by the district that reaches the overall highest percentage of its goal from all sources.

District  Amount received to date from members % of Goal 2007 Goal
1  $9,856 86%  $11,500
2  $16,788 78%  $21,500
3  $11,200 86%  $13,000
4  $2,876 38%  $7,500
5  $1,129 37%  $3,000
6  $1,182 47%  $2,500
7  $527 26%  $2,000
8  $13,478 112%  $12,000
9  $17,357 81%  $21,500
10  $6,171 82%  $7,500
International  $135 14%  $1,000
Total  $80,699 78% $103,000

Help Build Our Foundation by selecting one or more of the following ways to demonstrate your commitment.


Recent Foundation Board Actions



Your NATA Research Foundation Board held its October and December conference calls on 10/24/07 and 12/19/07, respectively.  Below are some highlights of the actions taken on these dates:

October 24, 2007

  1. Approved the minutes for the August 30, 2007 Board conference call as corrected.
  2. Approved the establishment of a Foundation Audit Committee as recommended.
  3. Approved the establishment of a Foundation Awards Subcommittee.

December 19, 2007

  1. Approved the minutes for the October 24, 2007 Board conference call with minor, non-substantive corrections.
  2. Approved the 2008 Foundation Operating Budget as recommended.
  3. Approved the Bylaws Amendment as recommended.
  4. Approved the Change to the Nomination/Election Process as recommended.
  5. Approved the 2008 Foundation Research Awards as recommended.

A Look at the NATA Foundation Goals



Beginning with the March 2007 issue and continuing for the next two issues, we are focusing on the Goals and Strategies of the NATA Research & Education Foundation.   Each of these six Goals is equally important to fulfilling the mission of this organization.  This issue lists the fourth of the six Goals listed in no particular order of relative importance.  In subsequent issues, we will highlight each goal, one goal per issue.


  1. Facilitate the presentation of programs and the production of materials providing learning opportunities about athletic training topics


    • Present the Free Communications program at each NATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium
    • Provide funding for educational opportunities through which athletic trainers, or others, can enhance knowledge and skills and may earn continuing education
    • Provide funding for the production and dissemination of athletic training educational and promotional material

NATA Research & Education Foundation Deadlines



NATA Research & Education Foundation
2952 Stemmons
Dallas, TX  75247

Johnson & Johnson


Supporting and advancing the athletic training profession through research and education.


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