Date: August 23, 2004
Professor: Mary L. Jones, PhD, ATC/L
Phone: 652-3509Off Office: PH28A
Station #11, UWA,
Livingston, AL 35470
Athletic Training
AH 321
Athletic Injury/Illness Assessment Laboratory
TEXT: Booher JM
Thibodeau GA: Athletic Injury Assessment, ed 4, Dubuque, IA 2000,
Magee, David J. Orthopedic Physical Assessment. Philadelphia, PA.
W.B. Saunders, ed 4, 2002
Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities. New York, N.Y.:
Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1976
Suggested References:
Starkey, Chad & Jeff Ryan. Evaluation of Orthopedic and Athletic Injuries.
Philadelphia, PA. F.A. Davis Company, 2nd edition, 2002.
Norkin, Cynthia C. & D. Joyce White, Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide
to Goniometry, Philadelphia,
PA. F.A. Davis Company 2nd edition, 1995
Hislop, Helen J. & Jacqueline Montgomery Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle
Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination, Philadelphia, PA. W.B.
Saunders, 7th edition, 2002.
Kettenbach, Ginge. Writing S.O.A.P. Notes, Philadelphia, PA. F.A.
Davis Company 2nd edition, 1995.
CREDIT HOURS: 1 semester hour
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Assigned specific laboratory experiences in athletic
injury/illness assessment. Must be taken concurrently with AH 320 and serves
as its laboratory.
conclusion of this course and AH 320, the successful student will be able
Understand how to recognize and intelligently evaluate the nature and
extent of athletic injuries/illnesses.
Manually & skillfully examine and evaluate athletic injuries/illnesses.
Understand medical referral and the indications for such
Understand the importance of a complete evaluation, assessment, and plan
for athletic injuries/illnesses.
Introduction to Assessment
Body Composition, Somatotyping, & Terminology
Osteology, Bony Landmark Palpation
Arthrology, Range of Motion
Manual Muscle Testing
Dermatomes, Myotomes, Reflexes
Vital Signs, The Body’s Response to Trauma & Environmental Stress
General & Unexposed Athletic Injuries
Psychological Aspects of Injury
Athletic Injury Assessment Considerations
Assessment Procedures
Meet at least 2/3 of all class meetings. Attendance at 100% of all class
meetings is expected.
Utilization of email, the World Wide Web, Campus Pipeline, and
Appropriate dress for laboratory sessions, students not dressed
appropriately will receive no credit for attendance
Each student will participate fully in all practical laboratory sessions
One to four major practical examinations
Review of related material from Goniometry CD (accessible only
through computers in JH216). Related assignments to be announced
throughout semester.
Review of related material from Manual Muscle Testing CD
(accessible only through computers in JH216). Related assignments to be
announced throughout semester.
Laboratory practical examinations 75 %
Laboratory assignments 25 %
Attendance: A student cannot receive credit for a course if he/she does
not attend at least two-thirds of the class meetings, regardless of the
reason for the absence.
Academic Misconduct: The academic misconduct policy of UWA will be
followed in this course.
Request for Accommodation: All request for accommodation, for this course
or any school event, are welcome, from students and parents.
Discussion of Grades with Professor: Any student who receives failing
grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher.
The University of
West Alabama strives to make its programs accessible to qualified persons
defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students who have special needs that
require accommodation are responsible for notifying instructors in each
course in which they are enrolled and appropriate staff members, who in turn
will refer the student to the ADA Compliance Coordinator. Following
verification of the student’s status, the ADA Compliance Coordinator will
work with the instructor or staff member in implementing an appropriate plan
for accommodation of the student’s needs. Support documentation of special
needs from a physician or other qualified professional will be required if
deemed necessary. For more information, students should contact the Student
Success Center, Foust Hall 7, (205) 652-3651 or the Office of Student Life,
311 Webb Hall, (205)652-3581.
The following
will be covered in part or in whole where applicable to course objectives.
Psychomotor Domain
2 - Administers static and dynamic postural evaluation procedures,
including tests for muscle shortening.
3 - Implements appropriate screening procedures to identify common
acquired or congenital risk factors that would predispose athletes and
others engaged in physical activity to certain types of injuries.
Cognitive Domain
25 - Demonstrates familiarity with the function of a stethoscope in the
examination of the heart, lungs, and bowel.
Psychomotor Domain
1 - Constructs and phrases appropriate questions to obtain a medical
history of an injured or ill individual that includes a previous history and
a history of the present injury or illness.
4 - Measures active and passive joint range of motion with a goniometer.
5 - Performs appropriate manual muscle-testing techniques and/or break
tests, including application of the principles of muscle/muscle group
isolation, segmental stabilization resistance/pressure, and grading, to
evaluate injuries incurred by athletes and others engaged in physical
7 - Applies appropriate stress tests for ligamentous or capsular
instability based on the principles of joint positioning, segmental
stabilization, and force.
8 - Measures the grade of ligamentous laxity during a joint stress test
and notes the quality and quantity of the end point.
9 - Applies appropriate and commonly used special tests to evaluate
athletic injuries to various anatomical areas.
10 - Demonstrates the proper use of the otoscope for ear and nasal
examination, including the proper positioning of the patient and examiner
and proper technique of use.
11 - Conducts auscultation of normal heart, breath, and bowel sounds,
demonstrating proper position and location of stethoscope.
12 - Palpates bony and soft tissue structures to determine normal or
pathological tissue(s).
13 - Performs and interprets appropriate palpation techniques and
special tests of the abdomen, chest, cranium, and musculoskeletal system.
14 - Assesses the neurological function of cranial nerves, spinal
nerves, and peripheral nerves and assesses the level of spinal cord
involvement following injury, including the function of dermatomes, myotomes,
and reflexes (e.g., deep tendon, superficial).
15 - Performs appropriate examination of injuries to the trunk and upper
and lower extremities prior to an individual's return to activity.
16 - Performs an appropriate examination to evaluate the return to
activity of an individual who has sustained a head injury.
17 - Uses appropriate terminology in the communication and documentation
of injuries and illnesses.
Affective Domain
1 - Appreciates the importance of a systematic assessment process in the
management of injuries and illness.
5 - Appreciates the practical importance of thoroughness in a clinical
7 - Values the skills and knowledge necessary to competently assess the
injuries and illnesses of athletes and others involved in physical activity.
Psychomotor Domain
3 - Performs a primary survey/assessment in appropriate situations.
4 - Performs a secondary survey/assessment, including obtaining a
history, inspection/observation, palpation, and using special tests.
5 - Palpates a variety of anatomic locations to assess the pulse in
resting (non-emergency) and trauma situations.
Psychomotor Domain
2 - Measures limb edema and effusion using volumetric tank and
anthropometric measurements.
Psychomotor Domain
2 - Measures the physical effects of injury using contemporary methods (isokinetic
devices, goniometers, dynamometers, manual muscle testing, calipers,
functional testing) and uses this data as a basis for developing
individualized rehabilitation or reconditioning programs.
Psychomotor Domain
1 - Assesses the patient for congenital or acquired abnormalities,
physical disabilities, and diseases that would predispose him or her to
other injury or illness, or would exacerbate the existing condition(s).
10 - Use and interprets urine diagnostic Chemstrips (dipsticks).
11 - Uses a penlight to examine pupil responsiveness, equality, and
ocular motor function.
13 - Uses the stethoscope correctly to auscultate the heart, lungs, and
14 - Assesses body temperature.
15 - Assesses vital signs.
T.O. |
area |
# |
Outcome |
Taught |
Covered |
Eval. |
AC |
3-4-1A |
evaluate & manage heat exhaustion |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AC |
3-4-1B |
evaluate & manage heat syncope |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AC |
3-4-1C |
evaluate & manage heat stroke |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AC |
3-4-1D |
evaluate & manage hypothermia |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-3 |
demonstrate the ability to
interpret data obtained from isokinetic testing & to use this
information to
determine appropriate follow-up care |
AH381 |
AH340-341 |
AH482 |
RM |
0-6-4A |
isometric tests for the ankle |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-4B |
isometric tests for the foot/toes |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-4C |
isometric tests for the knee |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-4D |
isometric tests for the hip |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-4E |
isometric tests for the trunk/torso |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-4F |
isometric tests for the shoulder |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-4G |
isometric tests for the elbow |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-4H |
isometric tests for the wrist |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-6-4I |
isometric tests for the hand/fingers |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-C4 |
manual muscle-testing techniques for the cervical spine |
AH101 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-1-1C |
blood pressure |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-1-1D |
pulse |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-1-1E |
limb girth |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-1-1F |
limb length |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-1-1G |
vision using a Snellen eye chart |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-2-1A |
standardized record keeping methods (e.g., SOAP, HIPS, HOPS) |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-C5 |
administer appropriate sensory, circulatory,
& neurological tests for the cervical spine |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-2A |
Ascertain body temperature via the following: oral temperature |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-2B |
Ascertain body temperature via the following: axillary temperature |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-2C |
Ascertain body temperature via the following: tympanic temperature |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-3A |
Ascertain the following vital signs: blood pressure |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-3B |
Ascertain the following vital signs: pulse (rate & quality) |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-3C |
Ascertain the following vital signs: respirations (rate & quality) |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-8 |
urine values with Chemstrips (dipsticks) |
AH102 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-3-1A |
demonstrate the ability to use
a sling psychrometer |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-3-1B |
demonstrate the ability to use
a wet bulb globe index |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-3-1C |
demonstrate the ability to
interpret & present environmental data for the following conditions:
heat; wind; humidity; potential for lightning strike; cold; poor air
quality |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-3-1E |
demonstrate the ability to use
& interpret weight charts |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-1-3A |
identify & classify body types as endomorph |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-1-3B |
identify & classify body types as ectomorph |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-1-3C |
identify & classify body types as mesomorph |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-3-1A |
identify & palpate the following: bony landmarks of the head, trunk,
spine, scapula, & extremities |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-3-1B |
identify & palpate the following: soft tissue structures of the head,
trunk, spine, & extremities |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-3-1C |
identify & palpate the following: abdominal & thoracic structures |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-3-1D |
identify & palpate the following: primary neurological & circulatory
structures |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-C3 |
administer active & passive range-of-motion tests using quantifiable
techniques (e.g., tape measure, goniometer, & inclinometer) for the
cervical spine |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-C7 |
identify, palpate, & assess the integrity of bony landmark of the
cervical spine |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-C8 |
identify, palpate, & assess the integrity of soft tissue of the cervical
spine |
AH282 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-C6 |
administer functional tests & activity-specific tests for the cervical
spine |
AH381 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-4B |
the four abdominal quadrants to
assess for the following: pain |
AH381 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-5A |
Use a
stethoscope to
identify the following: normal breath sounds |
AH381 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-5B |
Use a
stethoscope to
identify the following: normal heart sounds |
AH381 |
AH320-321 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-4-1A |
identify & assess cranial nerves |
AH281 |
AH320-321 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-4-1B |
identify & assess dermatomes |
AH281 |
AH320-321 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-4-1C |
identify & assess myotomes |
AH281 |
AH320-321 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-4-1D |
identify & assess deep tendon reflexes |
AH281 |
AH320-321 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-4-1E |
identify & assess pathological reflexes |
AH281 |
AH320-321 |
AH481 |
GM |
7-1-1A |
a basic medical history
that includes the following components: previous medical history |
AH102 |
AH320-321, AH340-341 , BY232 |
AH482 |
GM |
7-1-1B |
a basic medical history
that includes the following components: previous surgical history |
AH102 |
AH320-321, AH340-341, BY232 |
AH482 |
GM |
7-1-1C |
a basic medical history
that includes the following components: pertinent family medical history |
AH102 |
AH320-321, AH340-341, BY232 |
AH482 |
GM |
7-1-1D |
a basic medical history
that includes the following components: current medication history |
AH102 |
AH320-321, AH340-341, BY232 |
AH482 |
GM |
7-1-1E |
a basic medical history
that includes the following components: relevant social history |
AH102 |
AH320-321, AH340-341, BY232 |
AH482 |
GM |
7-1-1F |
a basic medical history
that includes the following components: chief medical complaint |
AH102 |
AH320-321, AH340-341, BY232 |
AH482 |
AC |
3-2-1A |
demonstrate the ability to
manage open & closed wounds |
AH102 |
AH320-321, PE250 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-6A |
Identify pathological breathing patterns to make
a differential assessment for the following respiratory conditions:
apnea |
AH281 |
AH320-321, PE250 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-6B |
Identify pathological breathing patterns to make
a differential assessment for the following respiratory conditions:
tachypnea |
AH281 |
AH320-321, PE250 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-6C |
Identify pathological breathing patterns to make
a differential assessment for the following respiratory
conditions: hyperventilation |
AH281 |
AH320-321, PE250 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-6D |
Identify pathological breathing patterns to make
a differential assessment for the following respiratory conditions:
bradypnea |
AH281 |
AH320-321, PE250 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-6E |
Identify pathological breathing patterns to make
a differential assessment for the following respiratory conditions:
dyspnea |
AH281 |
AH320-321, PE250 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-6F |
Identify pathological breathing patterns to make
a differential assessment for the following respiratory conditions:
obstructed airway |
AH281 |
AH320-321, PE250 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-1-1H |
body composition, using a manual skinfold caliper & appropriate formulas |
AH102 |
AH320-321, PE444 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-E4 |
manual muscle-testing techniques of the elbow |
AH101 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-F4 |
manual muscle-testing techniques for the forearm, wrist, & hand |
AH101 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-S4 |
manual muscle-testing techniques for the shoulder |
AH101 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-E5 |
administer appropriate sensory, neurological, & circulatory
tests for the elbow |
AH102 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-F1 |
the medical history
of an ill or injured athlete or other physically active individual
suffering a forearm, wrist, or hand pathology |
AH102 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-F5 |
administer appropriate sensory, neurological, & circulatory
tests for the forearm, wrist, & hand |
AH102 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-S5 |
administer appropriate sensory, neurological, & circulatory
tests for the shoulder |
AH102 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-F2A |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with the following: fracture (Colles'
fracture, Bennett's fracture, carpal fracture ["boxer's fracture"],
metacarpal fracture, phalanges fracture) |
AH281 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-E3 |
administer active & passive range-of-motion tests using standard
goniometric techniques of the elbow |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-E7 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of bony landmarks of the
elbow |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-F3 |
administer active & passive range-of-motion tests using standard
goniometric techniques for the forearm, wrist, & hand |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-F7 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of bony landmarks for the
forearm, wrist, & hand |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-F8 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of soft tissue for the
forearm, wrist, & hand |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-H10 |
identify, palpate, & assess the integrity of soft tissue of the head &
face |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-H9 |
identify, palpate, & assess the integrity of bony landmarks of the head
& face |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-S3 |
administer active & passive range-of-motion tests using standard
goniometric techniques for the shoulder |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-S7 |
identify & palpate bony landmarks of the shoulder |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-S8 |
identify & palpate soft tissue landmarks of the shoulder. |
AH282 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-E2A |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: symmetry |
AH381 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-E2E |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: atrophy |
AH381 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-E2M |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: nerve injury |
AH381 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-E8 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of the soft tissue of the
elbow |
AH381 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-F6 |
administer functional tests & activity-specific tests for the forearm,
wrist, & hand |
AH381 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-4A |
the four abdominal quadrants to
assess for the following: guarding & rigidity |
AH381 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-5C |
Use a
stethoscope to
identify the following: normal bowel sounds |
AH381 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
GM |
7-1-7 |
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of an otoscope
to examine the nose & the outer & middle ear |
AH381 |
AH320-323 |
AH382 |
RM |
0-2-1B |
demonstrate the ability to
perform & evaluate the results of strength (repetition) testing |
AH101 |
AH320-325 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-K5 |
administer appropriate sensory, neurological, & circulatory
tests for the knee |
AH101 |
AH320-325 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-T4 |
manual muscle-testing techniques for the hip & pelvis |
AH101 |
AH320-325 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-A4 |
manual muscle-testing techniques for the foot, ankle, & lower leg |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-K4 |
manual muscle-testing techniques for the knee |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-T4 |
manual muscle-testing techniques for the thoracic & lumbar spine |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH382 |
AE |
2-6-A1 |
the medical history
of an ill or injured athlete or other physically active individual
suffering from foot, ankle, or leg pathology |
AH102 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A5 |
administer appropriate sensory, neurological, & circulatory
tests for the foot, ankle, & lower leg |
AH102 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K1 |
the medical history
of an ill or injured athlete or other physically active individual
suffering from knee pathology |
AH102 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T1 |
the medical history
of an ill or injured athlete or other physically active individual of
the thorax & lumbar spine |
AH102 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T5 |
administer appropriate sensory & neurological tests for the thoracic &
lumbar spine |
AH102 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T5 |
administer appropriate sensory, neurological, & circulatory
tests for the hip & pelvis |
AH102 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1A |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: temporomandibular joint |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1B |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: cervical spine |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1C |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: shoulder |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1D |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: elbow |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1E |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: wrist & hand |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1F |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: thumb & fingers |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1G |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: hip |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1H |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: lumbar spine |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1I |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: thoracic spine |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1J |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: knee |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1K |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: ankle |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-5-1L |
qualitatively assess active, passive, resistive range of motion for the
following: foot & toes |
AH281 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A3 |
administer active & passive range-of-motion tests using standard
goniometric techniques for the foot, ankle, & lower leg |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A7 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of bony landmarks for the
foot, ankle, & lower leg |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A8 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of soft tissue of the foot,
ankle, & lower leg |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K3 |
administer active & passive range-of-motion tests using standard
goniometric techniques for the knee |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K7 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of bony landmarks of the
knee |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K8 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of soft tissue of the knee. |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-P7 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of bony landmarks of the
hip/pelvis |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-P8 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of soft tissue of the hip &
pelvis |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T3 |
administer active & passive range-of-motion tests using standard
qualitative & quantitative techniques for the thoracic & lumbar spine |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T7 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of bony landmarks of the
thoracic & lumbar spine |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T8 |
identify, palpate, & interpret the integrity of soft tissue of the
thoracic & lumbar spine |
AH282 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A2A |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with the following common
injuries, illnesses, & predisposing conditions: overuse injuries (e.g.,
bursitis, exostosis,
fasciitis, stress fracture, tarsal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and/or
tenosynovitis, tibial stress syndrome) |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A2E |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with the following common
injuries, illnesses, & predisposing conditions: dislocation or
subluxation |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A2G |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with the following common
injuries, illnesses, & predisposing conditions: fracture |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A2K |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with the following common
injuries, illnesses, & predisposing conditions: sprain |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-A2L |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with the following common
injuries, illnesses, & predisposing conditions: strain |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-C2A |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: atrophy |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K2A |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: bursitis |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K2E |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: fracture |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K2N |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: sprain |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K2O |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: strain |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-K2P |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: tendonitis |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2A |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: atrophy |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2B |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: bursitis |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2C |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: dislocation or subluxation |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2D |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: efficiency of movement |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2E |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: fracture |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2F |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: sprain |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2G |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: nerve injury |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2I |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: strain |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2M |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: symmetry |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-S2N |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: tenosynovitis & tendonitis |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2A |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: café au lait macules (spots) |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2B |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: dislocation or subluxation |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2C |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: spina bifida occulta |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2D |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: facet syndrome |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2E |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: intervertebral disc pathology |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2F |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: spinal posture (kyphosis/ lordosis) |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2G |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: leg length discrepancies |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2H |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: nerve root compression |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2I |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: sacroiliac dysfunction |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2J |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: scoliosis |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2K |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: vertebral pathology (e.g.,
spondylitis, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2L |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: sprain |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2M |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: stenosis |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2N |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: step deformity |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T2O |
& identify the clinical S & S associated with common injuries,
illnesses, & predisposing conditions: strain |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
AE |
2-6-T3 |
administer active & passive range-of-motion tests using standard
goniometric techniques and/or a tape measure for the hip/pelvis |
AH381 |
AH320-325 |
AH481 |
calendar is designed to be only a guideline of planned topics which may be
changed based on time needed to adequately address each topic.
Tue |
Thur |
8/24 |
Intro, Syllabus,
Intro to Assess, Body Comp, Somatotyping |
8/26 |
Body Comp,
Somatotyping |
8/31 |
Body Comp,
Somatotyping |
9/2 |
Body Comp,
Somatotyping |
9/7 |
Osteology, Bony
landmark palpation |
9/9 |
Osteology, Bony
landmark palpation |
9/14 |
Osteology, Bony
landmark palpation |
9/16 |
Osteology, Bony landmark palpation |
9/21 |
Arthrology, range of
motion, joint play, end feel, capsular patterns, non-capsular patterns |
9/23 |
Arthrology, range of
motion, joint play, end feel, capsular patterns, non-capsular patterns |
9/28 |
Arthrology, range of
motion, joint play, end feel, capsular patterns, non-capsular patterns |
9/30 |
Arthrology, range of
motion, joint play, end feel, capsular patterns, non-capsular patterns |
10/5 |
Myology, manual
muscle testing |
10/7 |
Myology, manual
muscle testing |
10/12 |
Myology, manual
muscle testing |
10/14 |
Myology, manual
muscle testing |
10/19 |
Myology, manual muscle testing |
10/21 |
dermatomes, myotomes, reflexes |
10/26 |
dermatomes, myotomes, reflexes |
10/28 |
dermatomes, myotomes, reflexes |
11/2 |
dermatomes, myotomes, reflexes |
11/4 |
Vital signs, Pain
Scales |
11/9 |
Vital signs, Pain
Scales |
11/11 |
Psychological Aspects
of Injury |
11/16 |
Psychological Aspects
of Injury |
11/18 |
Psychological Aspects of Injury |
11/23 |
Thanksgiving Holiday |
11/25 |
Thanksgiving Holiday |
11/30 |
Questioning |
12/2 |
Questioning |
12/7 |
assessment, Assessment Procedures & Athletic Injury Assess
Considerations |
12/9 |
assessment, Assessment Procedures & Athletic Injury Assess
Considerations |
Final Examinations
Begin (Oral Practical) |