Athletic Training
AH 408 Seminar in Athletic Training
Date: January 10, 2011
Professor: R. T. Floyd, EdD, ATC, CSCS
Phone: 652-3714 Cell: 205-499-8670 Off 652-6185 Hm Office: JH 219
Station #14, UWA, Livingston, AL 35470
Instructor: Brad Montgomery, MAT, ATC
Instructor: Daniel Jacobi, MS, ATC
Instructor: Whitney Smith, MAT, ATC
Instructor: Kyle Sampsell, MAT, ATC
Instructor: Michael Shields, MAT, ATC
Athletic Training Exam Review
Barbara Long MS, VATL, ATC
Charles W Hale IV, MSEd, VATL, ATC
Price: $47.95
ISBN-10: 0-7817-8052-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-8052-0
Pub Date: April 2009
Pages: 400
Illustrations: 1250
Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875
Role Delineation Study, Fifth Edition
NATA Board of Certification, (NATABOC)
Special Internet Price: $19.95 (US
funds) each + shipping |
Clinical Skills Documentation Guide for Athletic Training, Second Edition
Herb Amato DA, ATC; Christy Venable Hawkins MS, ATC; Steven L. Cole MEd,
ISBN 10 1-55642-758-1
ISBN 13 978-1-55642-758-9
464 pp Soft Cover
Pub. Date: 2006
Order# 47581 |
Study Guide
for the NATA Board of Certification Inc. Entry-Level Athletic Trainer
Certification Examination, 3rd Edition By
Douglas M. Kleiner, PhD, ATC, CSCS, EMT, FACSM,
University of Florida, Jacksonville, Florida.
ISBN 0785-7. 176 pp. Soft
cover. ©2002 Available now. $42.95
Suggested References:
- Arnheim, Daniel D. &
Prentice, William E. Principles of Athletic Training-. St. Louis, MO.
McGraw-Hill Company, 11th Edition, 2003.
- Booher JM Thibodeau GA: Athletic Injury Assessment, ed 4, Dubuque, IA 2000, McGraw-Hill.
Hall, Susan. Basic
Biomechanics. McGraw Hill Company, 4th edition, 2003
- Hartley, Anne. Practical Joint Assessment:
Lower Quadrant. St. Louis, MO.: Mosby, 2nd edition, 1995.
Hartley, Anne. Practical
Joint Assessment: Upper Quadrant. St. Louis, MO.: Mosby, 2nd edition,
- Hislop, Helen J. & Jacqueline Montgomery Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle
Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination, Philadelphia, PA. W.B.
Saunders, 7th edition, 2002.
- Hoppenfeld, Stanley. Physical Examination
of the Spine and Extremities. New York, N.Y.: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
- Kettenbach, Ginge. Writing S.O.A.P. Notes, Philadelphia, PA. F.A. Davis Company 2nd edition, 1995.
Magee, David J.
Orthopedic Physical Assessment.
Philadelphia, PA. W.B. Saunders, ed 4, 2002
McGinnis, Peter
Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise.
Human Kinetics. Champaign, IL, 1999.
Starkey, Chad & Jeff Ryan. Evaluation of Orthopedic and Athletic Injuries. Philadelphia, PA.
F.A. Davis Company,
2nd edition, 2002.
- Norkin, Cynthia C. & D. Joyce White, Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry, Philadelphia, PA.
F.A. Davis Company 2nd edition, 1995
Prentice, William E.
Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine. Mosby.
New York. McGraw-Hill,
3rd edition, 1999. - Prentice, William E.
Therapeutic Modalities in Sports Medicine. New York. McGraw-Hill,
5th edition, 2003.
- Quillen, William S. &
Underwood, Frank. Laboratory Manual To Accompany Therapeutic Modalities,
4th. New York. McGraw-Hill,
Rankin, James M., and Ingersoll, Christopher.
Athletic Training Management: Concepts and Applications 2nd ed.
New York. McGraw-Hill,
Ray, Richard. Management Strategies in
Athletic Training. 2nd ed. Human Kinetics. Champaign, IL,
- Thompson, Clem W. & Floyd,
R. T. Manual of Structural Kinesiology. New York. McGraw-Hill, 15th
edition, 2004.
- Wilmore, Jack & David Costill. Physiology of Sport and Exercise.
2nd Ed. Human
Kinetics. Champaign, IL, 1999.
- Wright, Kenneth E. and
William R. Whitehill. The Comprehensive Manual of Taping and Wrapping
Techniques. 2nd Ed. Cramer Products,
CREDIT HOURS: 1 semester hour
Senior standing or
permission of the Athletic Training Education Program Director.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Provides student with information, practice exams,
and counseling pertinent to professional careers in athletic training and sports
medicine. Two lecture hours per week.
OBJECTIVES: At the conclusion of this course, the successful student will be able to:
- Understand the components of the NATA BOC
Certification Examination and how its is developed.
- Understand how the
NATA BOC Certification Examination is administered.
- Understand how to become eligible and complete
the application process to take the NATA BOC Certification
- Locate a variety of resources to assist with preparing
for the NATA BOC Certification Examination.
- Conduct a self-assessment of his/her strengths and
weaknesses related to being prepared for the NATA
BOC Certification Examination.
- SEATA Competencies in Athletic Training Workshop
- NATA BOC Role Delineation
- NATA Education Council Competencies
- NATA Education Council Proficiencies
- NATA BOC Web Site
- Resources
- Test taking (written)
- Test taking (written simulation)
- Test taking (practical)
- After the Exam
- Meet at least 2/3 of all class meetings. Attendance at
100% of all class meetings is expected. A tardy will be recorded
as an absence.
- Utilization of email, the World Wide Web, and
- Appropriate dress for laboratory sessions, students not dressed appropriately will receive no credit for attendance
- Each student will participate fully in all practical laboratory sessions
- Attendance at
SEATA Student Athletic Trainers Meeting, (Competencies in Athletic Training
Workshop) February 6-7, 2009, Crowne Plaza Ravinia Atlanta, GA, Depart from
Homer Field House on Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009, Time TBA
A variety of written, written simulation, and practical examinations as
determined by the majority of the class and the individual needs of the
- Self-assessment on NATA Education Council Competencies &
- Review of related material from Goniometry
CD (accessible only through computers in JH216). Related assignments to be
announced throughout semester.
- Review of related material from Manual Muscle
Testing CD (accessible only through computers in JH216). Related
assignments to be announced throughout semester.
- Review of related material from Examination
of Lower Extremity CD (accessible only through computers in JH216). Related
assignments to be announced throughout semester.
- Review of related material from Examination
of Upper Extremity CD (accessible only through computers in JH216). Related
assignments to be announced throughout semester.
- Completion of Self Assessment
by January 20, 2010 10%
- Written, written simulation, and practical
examinations as determined by the majority of the class and the individual needs
of the participants 60 %
- Overall course examination 20 %
- Attendance at Student SEATA Competencies in
Athletic Training Workshop) 10 %
- Attendance: Students are expected to attend all
scheduled classes in this course. Emergencies, sickness, and official
school business are treated as excused absences, but it is still the
responsibility of the student to maintain standing in the course. A student
cannot receive credit for a course if he/she does not attend at least
two-thirds of the class meetings, regardless of the reason for the
absences. University attendance policy will be enforced.
- Academic Misconduct: All acts of dishonesty including
plagiarism constitute academic misconduct. UWA policy addressing such
conduct will be strictly enforced.
- Discussion of Grades with Professor: Any student who
receives failing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the
- All make up exams will be scheduled during the final
examination period. Exceptions are at the professor's discretion.
- Email: UWA students are required to use their UWA email
accounts for all correspondence related to this course. Students should
clean out their email accounts regularly. You should permanently delete
items in the Deleted Items folder, and delete your emails in your Sent
folder at the end of each term. If your mailbox is full, you will not
receive important correspondence from your instructor.
- Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities: The
University of West Alabama strives to make its programs accessible to
qualified persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students
who have special needs which require accommodation are responsible for
notifying individuals from whom assistance may be required and informing
instructors in each course in which they are enrolled. Students should
contact the University’s Counseling Center following acceptance to the
University to discuss the range of services or accommodations the University
can provide. Support documentation of special needs from a physician or
other qualified professional will be required if deemed necessary.
For additional information, contact the Counseling Center, Foust Hall, Room
7, (205) 652-3651 or the Office of Student Affairs, Room 323, Webb Hall,
(205) 652-3581.
- Honesty/Integrity: The University of West Alabama
Academic Dishonesty Policy stated in the General Catalogue and the Student
Handbook (available at will be followed.
- Content/Schedule Change: The instructional schedule
reflects expected class progress in course subject matter and is considered
tentative. The schedule is subject to change in content and scope at the
instructor's discretion.
- Course Website: Because instructional materials on the
course website may be copyrighted, students may not download materials on
the site to their desktops, laptops, or PDAs, or alter or distribute any
materials on the course site, unless clearly directed to do so.
- Turn It In Policy:
The University of West Alabama reserves the right to use electronic means to
detect and help prevent plagiarism. Students agree that by taking this
course all course documents are subject to submission to All
materials submitted to will become source documents in’s restricted access database solely for the purpose of
detecting plagiarism in such documents. Students may be required by the
instructor to individually submit course documents electronically to
- Absence due to illness:
In the event of illness, please contact your course instructor through
e-mail or phone prior to your absence. Should you experience flu like
symptoms, you are advised to contact your doctor. Course assignments may be
posted to Blackboard or e-mailed to the instructor. Make-up work must be
submitted within 14 days of returning to class. The instructor will work
with you to reschedule any missed exams due to illness. The UWA attendance
policy will be adhered to as H1N1 recovery time is typically two weeks or
less. Please see the following communicable disease (Tiger Paw, p. 70)
Students are responsible for notifying the Office of Student Life and
Housing if they contract a communicable and/or contagious disease that
presents a significant degree of health risk to other members of the
University community.
AD-C22 |
Describe basic components of organizing and coordinating a drug testing
and screening program, and identify the sources of current banned-drug
lists published by various associations. |
AH 300 |
AH 408 |
AH 350 |
AH 400 |
PD-C1 |
Explain the role and function of state athletic training practice acts
and registration, licensure, and certification agencies including (1)
basic legislative processes for the implementation of practice acts, (2)
rationale for state regulations that govern the practice of athletic
training, and (3) consequences of violating federal and state regulatory
acts. |
AH 200 |
AH 408 |
AH 350 |
AH 400 |
PD-C2 |
Describe the process of attaining and maintaining national and state
athletic training professional credentials. |
AH 200 |
AH 408 |
AH 350 |
AH 400 |
PD-C3 |
Describe the current professional development requirements for the
continuing education of athletic trainers and how to locate available,
approved continuing education opportunities. |
AH 200 |
AH 408 |
AH 350 |
AH 400 |
PD-C4 |
Describe the role and function of the governing structures of the
National Athletic Trainers' Association. |
AH 350 |
AH 408 |
AH 400 |
PD-C5 |
Differentiate the essential documents of the national governing,
certifying, and accrediting bodies, including, but not limited to, the
Athletic Training Educational Competencies, Standards of Practice, Code
of Ethics, Role Delineation Study, and the Standards for the
Accreditation of Entry-Level Athletic Training Education Programs. |
AH 350 |
AH 408 |
AH 400 |
PD-C6 |
Summarize the position statements regarding the practice of athletic
training. |
AH 350 |
AH 408 |
AH 400 |
PD-C7 |
Describe the role and function of the professional organizations and
credentialing agencies that impact the athletic training profession.
AH 350 |
AH 408 |
AH 400 |
PD-C8 |
Summarize the current requirements for the professional preparation of
the athletic trainer. |
AH 200 |
AH 408 |
AH 350 |
AH 400 |
PD-C9 |
Identify the objectives, scope of practice and professional activities
of other health and medical organizations and professions and the roles
and responsibilities of these professionals in providing services to
patients. |
AH 200 |
AH 408 |
AH 350 |
AH 400 |
PD-C13 |
Describe and differentiate the types of quantitative and qualitative
research and describe the components and process of scientific research
(including statistical decision-making) as it relates to athletic
training research. |
PE 444 |
AH 408 |
AH 400 |
PD-C14 |
Interpret the current research in athletic training and other related
medical and health areas and apply the results to the daily practice of
athletic training. |
AH 200 |
AH 408 |
AH 330 |
AH 400 |
PD-C16 |
Summarize the history and development of the athletic training
profession. |
AH 200 |
AH 408 |
AH 350 |
AH 400 |
PD-C17 |
Describe the theories and techniques of interpersonal and cross-cultural
communication among athletic trainers, patients, administrators, health
care professionals, parents/guardians, and other appropriate personnel. |
AH 200 |
AH 408 |
AH 350 |
AH 400 |
PD-P2 |
Access by various methods the public information policy-making and
governing bodies used in the guidance and regulation of the profession
of athletic training (including but not limited to state regulatory
boards, NATA, BOC). |
AH 200 |
AH 481 |
AH 350 |
AH 408 |
CALENDAR: This calendar is designed to be only a guideline of planned topics which may be changed based on time needed to adequately address each topic.
Mon |
Wed |
12:20 - 1:10 p.m. |
1/10 |
1/12 |
1/17 |
1/19 |
1/24 |
1/26 |
1/31 |
2/2 |
2/3-5 |
Student SEATA - Atlanta, GA |
2/7 |
2/9 |
2/14 |
2/16 |
2/21 |
2/23 |
2/28 |
3/2 |
3/7 |
3/9 |
3/14 |
3/16 |
3/21 |
3/23 |
3/28 |
3/30 |
Spring Break |
4/4 |
4/6 |
4/11 |
4/13 |
4/18 |
4/20 |
4/25 |
4/27 |
5/2 |