The University of West Alabama

Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center


Ankle Wrapping for Prevention of the Inversion Ankle Sprain

R.T. Floyd, EdD, ATC

The University of West Alabama

Mechanism of Injury:

  • Typically occurs due to excessive inversion or inversion/plantarflexion of the ankle.
  • Materials:

      1. 1-tightly rolled 2" non-elastic cotton wrap.
      2. 1½" white athletic tape or 2" light elastic tape.
      3. 2-3"x3" heel & lace pads.


  • Foot/ankle placement is important throughout the procedure. The ankle should be held in neutral inversion/eversion position with a 90 degree dorsiflexion angle. Heel & lace pads are not usually necessary but may be utilized if blisters or friction appear to be a problem.
  • Procedure:

    1. 1st Figure 8
      1. Begin with wrap placed in lace area and directed toward inner longitudinal arch.
      2. Roll the wrap medially and inferiorly underneath the foot.
      3. The wrap should proceed straight across the plantar aspect of the foot and progress around the lateral border back to the lace area and cross over itself.
      4. After leaving the lace area, the wrap proceeds posteromedially around the Achilles and back to the lace area.
    2. 1st Lateral Heel Lock
      1. Proceed from lace area inferomedially underneath the foot being careful to angle posterolaterally toward the lateral heel.
      2. Pull the wrap snugly around the lateral heel as the wrap continues posteriorly around the Achilles angling medially back to the lace area.
    3. 1st Medial Heel Lock
      1. Proceed from lace area inferolaterally underneath the foot being careful to angle posteromedially toward the medial heel.
      2. Pull the wrap snugly around the medial heel as the wrap continues posteriorly around the Achilles angling laterally back to the lace area.
    4. Repeat Step 1.
    5. Repeat Step 2.
    6. Repeat Step 3. if enough wrap is left on roll, if not proceed to closeouts.
    7. Closeouts
      1. Proceed from lace area moving proximally by no more than ½ widths of the wrap in a circumferential fashion. Generally the wrap should end approximately 2" above the malleoli.
    8. Secure end of wrap with one strip of tape.
    9. Repeat Step 1. with tape.
    10. Repeat Step 2. with tape.
    11. Repeat Step 3. with tape.
    12. Repeat 8., 9., & 10. if more support is desired.
    13. Tape Closeouts
      1. Place 1 or possibly 2 closeouts circumferentially around midfoot with the tape placed equally on the distal wrap and on the sock.
      2. Place 2 to 5 closeouts circumferentially around proximal wrap with the most proximal strip placed equally on the proximal wrap and on the sock.

    Upon Completion:

  • Check wrap for windows, gaps, neatness, support, comfort, and function.

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