Presentations, Information |
Donation Forms |
District Chair &
State Representative Materials |
Information |
Grant/Award Programs |
NATA Foundation District III Chair |
of Columbia Ambassador |
Jill Manners, MS, ATC, PT 3971 Little Savannah RoadWCU - HHSB 362 Cullowhee, NC 28723
(828) 227-3509 (work)
manners@email.wcu.edu |
Ambassador |
Ambassador |
Peter J. Kotz, MS, ATC, LAT, CES Maryland
Our Lady of Good Counsel High School 17301 Old Vic Blvd Olney, MD 20832-1603 (240) 283-3228
pkotz@olgchs.org |
T.J. Morgan, MS, ATC, PES North Carolina Novant Health 7301 Sardis Rd. Charlotte, NC 28227 (704) 366-5657 ext. 7010
Ambassador |
Ambassador |
Amy L. Fraley, MS, ATC, PES University of South Carolina 1300 Wheat Street Blatt PE Center, 213 Columbia, SC 29205
(864) 590-5257 Fraley.amy@gmail.com
Johanna M. Hoch PhD, ATC 1314 Hazel Avenue Chesapeake, VA 23325 (937) 689-6075
West Virginia
Ambassador |
Committee Representative |
Joseph (Joe) A. Beckett, EdD, ATC Marshall University 1 John Marshall Drive Gullickson Hall 108 Huntington, WV
(304) 696-2929 Beckett76@marshall.edu
Joshua D. Williamson, MS, LAT, ATC Washington and Lee University 204 West Washington St. Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 458-8486
Committee Representative |
Committee Vice Chair |
Peter J. Kotz, MS, ATC, LAT, CES Maryland
Our Lady of Good Counsel High School 17301 Old Vic Blvd Olney, MD 20832-1603 (240) 283-3228
Troy Blackburn PhD, ATC 2015 (1) Vice Chair, Awards University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 124 Fetzer Hall CB #8700 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8700 (919) 843-2021 (office)
Committee Vice Chair |
Free Communications
Committee Member |
Joseph M. (Joe) Hart III PhD, ATC (1) Vice Chair, Free Communications University of Virginia, Kinesiology 210 Emmet Street South, Suite 203 Box 400407 Charlottesville, VA 22904-0159 (434) 924-6187
Joseph M. (Joe) Hart III PhD, ATC (1) Vice Chair, Free Communications University of Virginia, Kinesiology 210 Emmet Street South, Suite 203 Box 400407 Charlottesville, VA 22904-0159 (434) 924-6187
Free Communications
Committee Member |
President District Relations |
Erik A Wikstrom PhD, ATC, LAT CB# 8700 Fetzer Hall Department of Exercise
& Sport Science Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (909) 962-2260
Scott J. Johnson, MSED, ATC,
Vice President, District Relations
Athletic Department
Norfolk, VA 23529-0001
(757) 683-3383 (office)
(757) 683-5445 (fax)
(757) 852-2729 (home)
sjjohnso@odu.edu |
Athletic Training Student Challenge Subcommittee Member |
Pronouncements Committee Member |
Jill Manners, MS, ATC, PT Chair 3971 Little Savannah RoadWCU - HHSB 362 Cullowhee, NC 28723
(828) 227-3509 (work)
Charles A. (Chuck) Thigpen PhD, ATC,
103 Gleneagles Ct
Simpsonville, SC 29681
(904) 303-5695
Pronouncements Committee Member |
Susan Walker Yeargin, PhD, ATC University of South Carolina 1300 Wheat St Blatt Rm 218N Columbia, NC 29208
(803) 777-3169
District 3
Medal for
Distinguished Athletic Training Research Recipients
2014 – Sandra J.
Shultz, PhD, ATC, FNATA 2011 –
Jay Hertel, PhD, ATC
(In honor of Joseph P. Torg, MD)
2006 – Kevin Guskiewicz, PhD, ATC
(In honor of Joseph P. Torg, MD)
– Christopher D.
Ingersoll, PhD, ATC
(In honor of William G. Clancy, Jr.,
1999 – David H.
Perrin, PhD, ATC (In honor of
William G. Clancy, Jr., MD)
District 3
New Investigator Award Recipients
2015 - Brian
Pietrosimone, PhD, ATC
2014 – Joseph M.
Hart, PhD, ATC
200 –
J. Troy
Blackburn, PhD, ATC (In honor of
Freddie H. Fu, MD)
2008 –
Tricia J. Hubbard, PhD, ATC
(In honor of
Freddie H. Fu, MD)
2006 –
Darin A. Padua, PhD, ATC
(In honor of
Freddie H. Fu, MD)
2003 – Sandra J.
Shultz, PhD, ATC, CSCS (In honor
Freddie H. Fu, MD)
1999 – Kevin
Guskiewicz, PhD, ATC (In honor
Freddie H. Fu, MD)
District 3
Doctoral Dissertation Award Recipients
2011 –
Jason Mihalik, PhD,
(In honor
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC)
2010 –
Erik Wikstrom, PhD, ATC
(In honor
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC)
2007 –
J. Troy
Blackburn, PhD, ATC
(In honor
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC)
District 3
Volunteer of the Year Award Recipient
2006 - Christopher D.
Ingersoll, PhD, ATC
District 3
Volunteer Service Award Recipients
2015 - Jill Manners,
2013 - Bob Casmus,
District 3
Athletic Training
Challenge Winners
Overall Winner
2014 - Western
Carolina University Western Athletic Training Association
2012 - Western
Carolina University Western Athletic Training Association
2011 - Western
Carolina University Western Athletic Training Association
2010 - Western
Carolina University Western Athletic Training Association
2009 - Western Carolina University Western Athletic Training
District 3
Free Communications Award Winners
2016 - Doctoral Poster Winner
Jennifer Cuchna, Old Dominion University,
"Athletic Training Educators' Use and Perceptions of Simulations
and Standardized Patients"
2016 - Master's Poster Winner
Legner, Old Dominion University, "Preliminary Examination of the
Validity of the Quick-FAAM in Physically Active Patients with an
Acute Foot or Ankle Injury"
2016 - Undergraduate Poster Winner
Katherine Van Wert, High
Point University, "Relationship Between Navicular Drop and Lower
Extremity Kinematics During Functional Tasks Across Sex and
2015 - Doctoral Poster Winner
Robert Lynall, UNC Chapel
Hill, "Increased Acute Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury
Rates Following Concussion"
2015 - Undergraduate Poster Winner
Baellow, High Point University, "Influence of Hip Strength and
Range of Motion on Landing Kinematics Across Maturation Groups in
Youth Athletes"
2014 -
Doctoral Poster Winner
Alan R. Needle, EdD, ATC, CSCS, Appalachian
State University, "Ankle Injury Alters the Links
between Joint Laxity, Peripheral Sensation, and Cortical Activation"
2014 - Master's Poster
David Florea, MS, ATC, United States Naval Academy, "Electromyographic
Biofeedback Immediately Increases Quadriceps Corticospinal
2013 -
Doctoral Oral Winner
Luke Donovan, MEd,
ATC, University of
Virginia, "The Effects of Two Ankle Destabilization Devices
on Electromyography Measures during Walking in Patients with Chronic
Ankle Instability"
2011 -
Doctoral Poster Winner
Rebecca L. Scanlon-Begalle,
MS, ATC, CSCS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Sagittal
Plane Ankle Motion Affects Frontal and Transverse Plane Motion at
the Knee and Hip during a Jump-Landing"
2010 -
Doctoral Oral Winner
Shelley Linens, MEd,
ATC, Virginia Commonwealth University,
"Determining Sensitive Measures for Detecting Balance Deficits
Associated with Unstable Ankles"
2010 - Master's Poster
Ryan Sean McCann, ATC, Old Dominion University, "A Strength
and Agility Training Program Reduces Knee Valgus Angle at Initial
2010 - Undergraduate Poster Winner
David Craig Oates,
ATC, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill,
"Effect of Augmented Feedback on Co-Activation
Ratio and Knee Valgus in Individuals with Medial Knee Displacement"
2009 -
Doctoral Oral Winner
Lindsay J. DiStefano,
MA, ATC, PES, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
"Improvements in landing technique from an injury prevention program
are retained in youth soccer athletes"
2009 -
Doctoral Poster Winner
Jihong Park, MS, ATC, CSCS, University
of Virginia, "Knee extension exercises do not immediately
increase quadriceps activation in individuals with anterior knee
2009 - Undergraduate Poster Winner
Jeanne Graf,
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill,
differences in balance and power among youth soccer players"
2008 -
Doctoral Oral Winner
Johna Kay Register-Mihalik,
MA, ATC, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Clinical
Balance Performance Recovery in Individuals Reporting Posttraumatic
Migraine Characteristics Following Sports-Related Concussion"
2008 -
Doctoral Poster Winner
Sarah J. de la Motte,
MA, ATC, Virginia Commonwealth University, "Effect of
Proprioceptive Measures on Detecting Functional Ankle Instability: A
- Master's Oral
Daniel Huffman, MEd,
ATC, CSCS, University of Virginia, "A Mental Counterirritant Does
Not Facilitate the Quadriceps Motoneuron Pool in Health Subjects"
2007 -
Doctoral Oral Winner
Nguyen, MS, ED, ATC,
University of
North Carolina at Greensboro,
“Influence of Static Hip
and Pelvis Alignment on Hip Strength”
2007 -
Doctoral Poster Winner
Jason P. Mihalik, MS, CAT(C), ATC,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
of Head Impacts Sustained by Youth Ice Hockey Players”
2007 - Master's Poster
Lindsey Drewes, University of Virginia, "Altered Ankle
Kinematics During Walking and Jogging in Those with Chronic Ankle
2006 - Doctoral Oral
Thomas Nguyen, MSEd, ATC, University of North
Carolina – Greensboro, "Identifying Relationships of Static Lower
Extremity Postural Characteristics"
2006 - Master's Oral Winner
Johna K. Register, ATC, University of North Carolina
- Chapel Hill,
Patterns of Athletes Reporting Post-Traumatic Headache Following
Sports-Related Concussion”
2006 - Master's Poster
Stephanie Lynch, MA, ATC, University of North Carolina – Chapel
Hill, "Exercise Intervention Improves Forward Head and Rounded
Shoulder Posture in Collegiate Swimmers"
2006 - Undergraduate Poster Winner
Ben M. Goerger, ATC, University of North Carolina –
Chapel Hill, "High Pelvic Inclination Angle Affects Lower Extremity
Muscle Strength"
2005 -
Doctoral Oral Winner
Jatin Ambegaonkar,
MS, ATC, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
“Lower Extremity
Muscle Activity and Kinetic Patterns Differ Between Double-Leg Drop
Landings and Drop Jumps”
2004 -
Doctoral Oral Winner
Riann M. Palmieri, PhD, ATC,
University of Virginia at Charlottesville,
“Pre-Synaptic Modulation
of Quadriceps Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition”
2004 -
Doctoral Poster Winner
Todd C. Sander, PhD, ATC, PT,
University of Virginia at Charlottesville,
“Females Utilize
Quadriceps Dominant Landing Strategies That Increase Knee Shear
Forces and Internal Extension Moments”
2004 -
Master's Oral Winner
Eric D. McVey, MEd, ATC,
University of Virginia at Charlottesville,
Muscle Inhibition is Present in Patients Exhibiting Functional Ankle
2004 - Master's Poster Winner
Nicholas Martin, MS, ATC/L,
University of North Carolina at Greensboro,
“Functional Fatigue
Decreases Leg Spring Stiffness during Drop Landings”
2003 -
Doctoral Oral Winner
Cathy Brown, MA, ATC
– University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
“A Comprehensive
Assessment of Concussion in High School and Collegiate Athletes”
2000 - Student Poster Presentations Winner
1st Place - Adam Galilee-Belfer, MA,
ATC, University of North Carolina,
“The Effect of
Modified PNF Trunk Strengthening on Functional Performance in Female
3rd Place - Edward Strapp, MA, ATC, University of North Carolina,
“The Cumulative
Effect of Multiple Phonophoresis Treatments on Dexamethasone and
Cortisol Concentrations in the Blood”
1998 - Student Poster Presentations Winner
Place -
James A. Onate, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC,
“Comparison of
Three External Ankle Support Systems Utilized for Management of
Acute Lateral Ankle Sprains”
2016 District 3 Scholarship Winners
scholarships totaling $27,600
Doctoral |
University of South Carolina |
Jack Hughston Memorial Scholarship Award sponsored by The
Hughston Foundation
Doctoral |
Matthew Harkey
University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill |
William Tessendorf Scholarship by Professional Football
Athletic Trainers' Society/Gatorade
Doctoral |
Christine Samson
University of Georgia
Chuck Cramer Memorial Scholarship by Cramer Products
Post professional Masters |
Bethany Beuhring
Marshall University |
NATA Foundation Scholarship by
National Basketball Athletic Trainers' Association |
Post professional Masters |
Allison Gardiner
Dominion University
Foundation Scholarship by Johnson & Johnson
Post professional Masters |
Sarah Gilleland
University of South Carolina
Donald J. Fauls Memorial Scholarship by Gatorade Company
Post professional Masters |
Elena Keretses
University of South Carolina |
Ralph Salvon Memorial Scholarship by Professional Baseball
Athletic Trainers' Society
Undergraduate |
Whitney Correll
Western Carolina University |
Foundation Scholarship sponsored by Professional Baseball
Athletic Trainers' Society
Undergraduate |
Kaleb Ellison
University of West Virginia
Richard E. Vandervoort Memorial
Scholarship by Vandervoort Foundation |
Undergraduate |
Rena Gluck
Boston University (Resident of D3)
Edward Block Courage Society Scholarship by Professional
Football Athletic Trainers' Society
Undergraduate |
Kelcey Holcomb
Western Carolina University
of Fame member funded yearly scholarship - started in 2016
by R.T. Floyd by NATA Hall of Fame Members
Undergraduate |
Gillian McCarren
Towson University |
Richard E. Vandervoort Memorial Scholarship by Vandervoort
District 3 Scholarship Recipients 1991-2016
District 3
grants totaling
2018 |
Erik A. Wikstrom, PhD, ATC,
FACSM & Kenneth Lam, ScD, ATC
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/ A.T. Still
"Do treatments provided at the point-of-care
influence recurrent injury risk and long-term patient outcomes
after acute lateral ankle sprain?"
$31,465 in Year 3 - 2018 Outcomes Grant Program |
2017 |
Erik A. Wikstrom, PhD, ATC,
FACSM & Kenneth Lam, ScD, ATC
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/ A.T. Still
"Do treatments provided at the point-of-care
influence recurrent injury risk and long-term patient outcomes
after acute lateral ankle sprain?"
$28,949 in Year 2 – 2017 Outcomes Grant Program |
2016 |
Erik A. Wikstrom, PhD, ATC,
FACSM & Kenneth Lam, ScD, ATC
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/ A.T. Still
"Do treatments provided at the point-of-care
influence recurrent injury risk and long-term patient outcomes
after acute lateral ankle sprain?"
$44,811 in Year 1 - 2016 Outcomes Grant Program |
2016 |
Jennifer Hogg, MA, ATC
University of North Carolina Greensboro
"The Influence of Hip Structure and Gluteal Activation
on Dynamic Knee Valgus."
Richard Malacrea AT Ret Research Endowment |
2016 |
Elizabeth Teel, MS
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The Effect of Active Training on Clinical and
Physiological Outcomes in Healthy and Concussed College-aged
Cantu-Guskiewicz Research Endowment for Sport Concussion |
2016 |
Kyeongtak Song, MS, ATC,
University of North Carolina
"Influence of Visual Perturbations on Static and Dynamic
Postural Control in Chronic Ankle Instability Patients."
PFATS Doctoral Research Endowment |
2016 |
Timothy A. McGuine, PhD ATC &
Jacob Resch, PhD, ATC
University of Wisconsin-Madison/ University of
"The Impact of Athletic Trainers on the Incidence,
Management and Outcomes for Sports Related Concussion Injuries
in High School Athletics"
$373,990 total, $231,731 University fo Wisconsin-Madison,
$142,259 University of Virginia |
2015 |
Christopher J. Burcal, MSc,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
"Cortical Measures of Postural Control in Uninjured
Controls, Copers, and Those with Chronic Ankle Instability"
Richard Malacrea AT Ret Research Endowment |
2015 |
Timothy C. Mauntel, MA, ATC,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The Influence of Biomechanics on Biomarkers of Skeletal
Stress During Army Cadet Basic Training"
Joe Gieck, EdD, AT Ret, PT Challenge Doctoral Research
Endowment |
2015 |
Jason Cline
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
"Mitigating Fatigue with Kinesio Tex Tape in those with
Chronic Ankle Instability"
District 3 Master's Research Grant Endowment |
2014 |
Alyssa Stirling, BS
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
"The Effect of Short-Term Ankle Immobilization on Joint
Stiffness and Nervous System Function"
Edward J. Pillings Research
Endowment |
2014 |
Brian G. Pietrosimone, PhD, ATC
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Cartilage Health Following ACL Injury: Comprehensively
Evaluating the Early Biomechemical and Biomechanical
Influences Leading to Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis”
$22,425.00 New Investigator Grant Program |
2014 |
Hsin-Min Wang, MSC
University of North Carolina at
“The Effect of Exercise Training on Anterior Knee
Laxity and Ligamentous Size”
$2,500.00 Joe Gieck, EdD, AT Ret, PT Challenge
Doctoral Research Endowment |
2014 |
Mark Feger, MEd, ATC
Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia
“Lower Extremity Muscle Architecture and Function in
Patients With and Without Chronic Ankle Instability”
James R. Andrews, MD Excellence in Athletic Training
Research Endowment |
2014 |
Chyrsten Regelski, ATC
Old Dominion University
“Assessment of Parent
Knowledge of Roles and Responsibilities of Athletic Trainers
in the High School Setting”
District 3 Master’s Research Grant Endowment |
2013 |
Luke Donovan,
University of Virginia
“Rehabilitation for Chronic Ankle Instability with and
without Destabilization Devices: A Randomized Controlled
$2,500.00 |
2013 |
Hibberd, MA, ATC
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
“Effect of Swim Training on Physical Characteristics in
Youth Swimmers”
$2,498.00 |
2013 |
Michele Pye,
University of North
Carolina, Greensboro
“Comparison of Neuromuscular Control Strategies between
Female Dancers and Athletes”
James R. Andrews, MD Excellence in Athletic Training
Research Endowment |
2012 |
Ellen Shanley,
Proaxis Therapy, South Carolina
“Effectiveness of a
preseason conditioning program on injury rates and
modifiable risk factors in high school baseball and softball
pitchers and catchers”
General Grant Research Program |
2012 |
Dawn Minton,
University of South
“Naproxen on Gut
Permeability during Exercise in a Thermal Environment among
Male and Female Division I Collegiate Athletes”
Doctoral Research Grant
Program |
2012 |
Tritsch, MS, ATC, CSCS
University of North
Carolina at Greensboro
“Associations Between
Physical Characteristics and Landing Biomechanics in
Adolescent Females”
Andrews Doctoral Research
Grant Program |
2010 |
Brandi G. Schwane, ATC
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Trunk and Lower
Extremity Kinematics in Individuals With and Without
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome"
Master's Research Grant Program |
2010 |
Karen E. Ocwieja, ATC
University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The Effect of Play Type
and Closing Distance on the Biomechanics of Head Impact
Master's Research Grant Program |
2010 |
Melissa M.
Montgomery, MA, ATC
University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
"Effects of Five-Toed Socks
on Motor Neuron Pool Excitability of Lower Leg Muscles and
Static Postural Control in Individuals with Chronic Ankle
Doctoral Research Grant Program |
2010 |
Marc F. Norcross, MA, ATC
University of North
Carolina at Greensboro
"“The Identification of
Biomechanical Predictors of Lower Extremity Energy
Doctoral Research Grant Program |
2009 |
Julia Dawn Brandt, ATC, CSCS
University of Virginia
“Effects of Talocrural Joint Mobilization in Individuals
with Diminished Dorsiflexion Range of Motion after Ankle
Master's Research Grant Program
2009 |
Kyung Min
Kim, MS, ATC
University of Virginia
“The Immediate
Effects of Focal Ankle Joint Cooling on Spinal Plasticity
and Postural Control in those with Chronic Ankle
Doctoral Research Grant Program |
2008 |
Lindsey Klykken, ATC
University of Virginia
“Effect of Acute Lateral Ankle Sprain on Motor Neuron Pool Excitability of the Lower Leg Muscles”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program
2008 |
Lindsey Drewes, MEd, ATC
University of Virginia
“Effects of Rehabilitation Incorporating Short Foot
Exercises on Functional Outcomes in Those with Chronic Ankle
Doctoral Research Grant Program
2008 |
Sae Yong Lee, PhD, ATC
University of Virginia
“Direct and Indirect Effects of Alignment, Range of
Motion, and Gait Measures on Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Status in Runners”
Doctoral Research Grant Program |
2008 |
Shelley W. Linens, MEd, ATC
Virginia Commonwealth
“The Effects of a 4 Week BAPS Rehabilitation Program on
Subjects with Functional Ankle Instability”
$ 2,500.00
Doctoral Research Grant Program
2008 |
Brian Pietrosimone, MEd, ATC
University of Virginia
“The Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Stimulation on Quadriceps Central Activation and Gait”
Doctoral Research Grant Program |
2008 |
Tracy Andrus, BS, ATC
Old Dominion
of Prefabricated Orthosis and an Augmented Low-Dye Taping on
Plantar Pressures and Pain in Subjects with Plantar Faciitis”
$1,000.00 (The First Grant Awarded Through The Richard F. Malacrea
Research Endowment)
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program
2007 |
Jeffrey D. Hudson, ATC, LAT,
University of North Carolina at Chapel
“The Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Muscle Properties
Across the Menstrual Cycle”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2007 |
Charlie A. Hicks-Little, MS,
of North Carolina at Charlotte
“Kinematics and Kinetics During Stair Ascent and Descent in
Osteoarthritic Knees”
Doctoral Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Stephen W.
Marshall, PhD
University of North Carolina – Chapel
“Descriptive Epidemiology of Injury to the Cruciate
General Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
2006 |
Anh-Dung Nguyen, MSEd, ATC
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
“Relationships Between Lower Extremity Posture & Lower
Extremity Kinematics with Posterior Lateral Hip Activation
During a Single Leg Squat”
Doctoral Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
2006 |
Patrick O.
University of Virginia
“The Effect
of a 4-Week Balance Training Program on Postural Control &
Gait Parameters in Those with Chronic Ankle Instability”
Doctoral Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
2006 |
Terri L. Grindstaff, DPT, ATC,
University of Virginia
“Effects of
A Sacroiliac Joint Manipulation on Gait Kinetics of
Individuals with Patellofemoral Pain”
Doctoral Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Jessica Barrett, BS, ATC
Old Dominion
“Self-Reported leadership practices of Current Athletic
Trainer Leaders”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Erica Borgia, BS, ATC
Old Dominion University
“Middle & High School Athletic Coaches’ Knowledge of the
Prevention, Recognition & Treatment of Heat Illness"
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Nathan Crockett, BS, ATC
West Virginia University
“The Effects of Prolonged Prophylactic Ankle Brace Use in
High School Basketball Athletes on Dynamic Postural Control”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Mary E. Joos,
Old Dominion University
“The Effect of Instruction on
Jump-Landing Motion Patterns and Impact Forces"
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Lacey Nordsiden, BA, ATC
Old Dominion University
“The Effects of Three Foot Orthoses on Plantar Pressure of
Pes Planus Foot Type”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Erin M
O’Donoghue, BA, ATC
Old Dominion University
“An Assessment of High School Coaches’ Knowledge of
Sport-Related Concussion”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Regina O’Hara, BS, ATC
Old Dominion University
“The Effects of Muscle Energy Techniques on Iliosacral
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2006 |
Thein-Nissenbaum, MPT, ATC, SCS
of Virginia
of Disordered Eating, Menstrual Dysfunction and
Injury in Female High School Athletes"
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
2006 |
Jessica Walter, ATC
Old Dominion University
“An Assessment of Burnout in Undergraduate Athletic Training
Program Directors”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2005 |
Ambegaonkar, MS, ATC, CSCS
University of North Carolina
- Greensboro
"A Comparison of Muscle Activation and Knee Joint Stiffness
Female Dancers and Basketball Players During Drop Jumps"
Doctoral Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
2005 |
Anivizio, BS, ATC & Kellie Guth, BS, ATC
Old Dominion University
"Effects of Cryotherapy on Intramuscular Temperature
Following Exercise"
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program
2005 |
Matthew M.
Grinsell, MD, PhD
of Virginia
"Single Kidney and Sports Participation"
General Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary
2005 |
Scott C.
Livingston, MS, PT, ATC
of Virginia
"Motor Evoked Potential Differences Between Concussed and
Non-concussed Athletes
as Determined by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation"
Doctoral Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
2005 |
Shimokochi, MA, ATC
University of North Carolina
- Greensboro
"The Effect of Tibialis Anterior Fatigue on the Tibial
Internal Rotation and Eversion
During Heel-Toe Landing"
Doctoral Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary
2004 |
Aikane L. Belez, ATC, LMT, BS
Old Dominion University
"Electromyographic Responses, Hip Strength, and Landing
Biomechanics in Recreational Volleyball Athletes with
Patella Tendonitis”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program
2004 |
Akshay V.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Does Dehydration Predispose Athletes to Signs and Symptoms,
Neuropsychological Deficits, and Postural Stability Deficits
often Associated with Concussion”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2004 |
Lindsay J.
Strickland, ATC
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The Effect of Ankle Bracing on Lower Extremity Kinetics,
Kinematics, and Muscle Pre-Activation Amplitude”
Osternig Master's Research Grant Program |
2003 |
McKenzie, ATC
Old Dominion University
Effects of Ankle Taping and Spatting on the Reaction Times of
the Supporting Musculature of the Ankle after Sudden
Osternig Master's Grant
Program |
2002 |
J. Troy Blackburn, MS, ATC/L
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The Relationship Between
Muscle Stiffness and Muscle Spindle Sensitivity in the Triceps
Doctoral Research Grant sponsored by Proctor & Gamble
View Grant Information Summary |
2002 |
Marc F. Norcross, BS, ATC-L
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Electrical Stimulating
Currents and the Effects on Serum Beta-Endorphin, Serum,
Cortisol, and Pain Perception in Experimentally Induced DOMS"
Osternig Master's Grant Program |
2002 |
Anthony B.
Piegaro, Jr., BS
West Virginia University
"The Comparative Effects of
Six-Week Core Stabilization and Balance Training Programs on
Semidynamic and Dynamic Balance"
Osternig Master's Grant Program |
2002 |
Scott E. Ross, MA, ATC
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"A Comparison Between Static
and Dynamic Postural Stability in Functionally Stable and
Unstable Ankles"
Doctoral Research Grant sponsored by Proctor & Gamble
View Grant Information Summary |
2001 |
James A. Onate,
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The Effects of Various Forms
of Augmented Feedback on Reducing
Jump-Landing Forces”
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
2001 |
Steven M. Zinder, MS, ATC
University of Virginia
“The Effect of Ankle Orthoses
on Effective Ankle Stiffness in Functionally
Unstable and
Normal Ankles”
Doctoral Research Grant sponsored by Proctor & Gamble
View Grant Information Summary |
1999 |
Sheryl D.
Finucane, PhD, PT
Virginia Commonwealth University
"The Effect of Low-Intensity
Ultrasound on Medial Collateral Ligament Healing in Rabbits"
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
1999 |
William A. Romani, PhD, PT, ATC
University of Maryland at Baltimore
"The Effect of Endogenous
Estradiol Levels at Three Phases of the Menstrual
Cycle on
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Stiffness in Active Females"
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
1999 |
Sandra J. Shultz, PhD, ATC
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC
University of Virginia
"The Influences of Lower
Extremity Limb Alignment on Neuromuscular Timing and
Activation Patterns"
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary
1998 |
Paul DeVita,
East Carolina University
"Knee Joint Forces While
Walking With and Without a Functional Knee Brace in Recent ACL-Reconstructed
Research Grant Program |
1998 |
Frank M. Perna, EdD
West Virginia University
"Psychological Distress and
Coping Following Athletic Injury Among Children and Adults:
Impact Upon Rehabilitation"
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
1998 |
Michael E. Powers, MS, ATC, CSCS
University of Virginia
"The Effects of Creatine
Supplementation on Intracellular and Extracellular Water
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
1997 |
Susan Foreman, MPT, ATC
University of Virginia
"The Effect of Phonophoresis
with an Occlusive Dressing on the Absorption of Dexamethasone
in Humans"
Research Grant Program |
1997 |
William A. Romani, Phd, PT, ATC
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC
University of Virginia
"Efficacy of Continuous
Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Tibial Stress Fractures"
Research Grant Program |
1997 |
Sandra Shultz, MS, ATC
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC
University of Virginia
"Neuromuscular Response
Characteristics in Males and Females following Perturbance of
the Knee"
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
1996-2nd Yr |
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC
Kevin M. Guskiewicz, PhD, ATC
University of Virginia and University of North
"Effect of Mild Brain Injury on
Cognition and Postural Stability"
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
1995-1st Yr |
David H. Perrin, PhD, ATC
Kevin M. Guskiewicz, PhD, ATC
University of Virginia and University of North
"Effect of Mild Brain Injury on
Cognition and Postural Stability"
Research Grant Program
View Grant Information Summary |
Last updated
06/12/2017 |