Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Center


Examination Links:


Mallet Finger Test

Examination type ROM test, tendonous integrity
Patient & Body Segment Positioning The patient should be sitting with the forearm in pronation and the hand relaxed on a table or other surface.
Examiner Position The examiner should hold the hand steady and isolate the involved finger by holding the involved finger at the middle phalanx.
Tissues Being Tested The extensor tendon at the DIP joint
Performing the Test While the examiner is holding the hand still and isolating the involved finger by holding it at the middle phalanx, the patient should be relaxed. Once the patient is relaxed, the examiner should instruct the patient to try to extend the finger at the DIP joint.
Positive Test Inability to actively extend the finger at the DIP joint
Interpretation Avulsion of the extensor tendon at the insertion on the base of the distal phalanx
Common errors in performing exam The examiner could make an error in where he is holding the hand to isolate the injured finger. Another error is if the examiner does not know what he is looking for.
Factors possibly resulting in misinterpretation The way the hand is held could be a factor. If the wrist is in extension, the test could be falsely interpreted.
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Booher, James M., & Thibodeau Gary A. (2000). Athletic Injury Assessment Fourth Edition. U.S.A.: McGraw-Hill Companies, INC

Magee, David J. (2002). Orthopedic Physical Assessment. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier